3D Print Files - Not for rendering, animation, etc. No Textures or mtl included!
The complete set of swords, scabbards and sword belt parts for Talion of Shadow of Mordor.
Included swords:
The hilt-piece of Dirhael's shattered sword, the broken blade is still a lethal implement, re-named Acharn, meaning vengeance in Sindarin, and likewise re-purposed as a silent implement to enact its namesake upon Sauron's armies*.
Acharn ASSEMBLY: The guard has been modeled with cavities to accept the blade and handle. Some sanding of the blade and grip and/or cavity may be required for fitting, depending on your printer and settings. Assemble the two Guard pieces after test fitting the blade and handle. Print 2 hex keys for blade assembly. It is recommended you print the hex keys at a high fill % for strength. An oval key is included for the handle to attach to the pommel (Pommel Key). It is recommended that the oval key is also printed at a high fill %.
Urfael is the sword of Talion in Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. The sword has served Talion in his life as a Ranger of Gondor, as a Captain of the Watch upon the Black Gate. Now, even in death, the sword serves Talion still, in his quest for vengeance, reaping a fearsome tally on the Uruk-hai of Mordor*.
Urfael ASSEMBLY: The guard has been modeled with cavities to accept the blade and grip. Some sanding of the blade and grip and/or cavity may be required for fitting, depending on your printer and settings. Assemble the two Guard pieces after test fitting the blade and handle. Print 10 hex keys for blade assembly. It is recommended you print the hex keys at a high fill % for strength. Oval keys are included for the handle to attach to the guard (Guard Key) and the pommel to the handle (Pommel Key); you only need one of each. It is recommended that these oval keys are also printed at a high fill %.
PRINTER SETTINGS: To save time, we reccommend a layer height of .2mm an any FDM printer. We recommend orienting the blade and hilt parts vertically on your printer, and use supports where necessary.
No scaling is needed; this model was made to be a life size prop.