2022-01-22 03:55:32 UTCnsiemens4387
Resourceful with a weak economy, must and able to build ships from subpar components.
Help make up for this by building modular ships with easily repairable parts.
Space docks are mobile so ships can be constructed and repaired on the move.
Fleet Doctrine= Ships tend to stay grouped with or in close range of a space dock.
This leads to massive fleets, the Saar almost always have a numbers advantage when it comes to battle.
The downside of this is that they have a small number of fleets, they find it difficult to maintain stratigic controll
of multiple systems at a time.
Thier larger ships are extreamly vulnerable to fighters due to their open hulls therfore the Saar have to
focus their efforts on anti fighter weapons and stratagies. If they can keep the fighters away from thier capital ships they can
win most battles due to a numbers advantage.
Fighters and destryers fly ahead and screen the fleet with AA weapons.
The rest of the ships tend to hang back and fire thier missiles at the enemy fleet. Cruisers may occasionally fly out from the main fleet and fire missiles
at the enemy fron different/more vulnerable angles.
Ship specs. =PDC cannons firing shot gun rounds(cylinder w/2 cannons), small misile launchers with shrapnel warheads (great at taking out fighters, can damage capital ship components)(Rectangle components with retractable doors)
Large missile launchers (Large sloaped rectangle components), Thruster(Cylinder at back of ship), Energy core(Sphere conected to thruster), Bridge (Large com. dish ontop), Crew decks(flat squares stacked ontop of eachother)
Hanger(rectangle with com. and radar ontop) Storage large and small (rectangles), Cylinders running along ship are how crew move along, also have electrical and water pipes. Scafold provides structure to the ship.
War Sun = 5 of large missile launcher, smal missile launcher, thruster/energy core, Bridges. has one large energy core in center and one large crew hub.
Flagship = 3 large missile launchers, 12 small missile launchers,3 thruster/energy cores, 4 bridges, 3 hangers, 4 PDC's
Dreadnaught = 2 large Missile launchers 4 small missile launchers, 2 thruster/energy core, 4 bridges, 1 hanger, 4 PDC's
Carrier = 2 small missile launchers, 1 thruster/energy core, 4 hangers, 1 bridge
Cruiser = 1 Large missile launcher, 2 PDC's 2 thrusters/energy cores, 1 bridge
Destroyer = 2 small missile launcher, 2 PDC's, 1 thruster/energy core, 1 bridge
Fighter = cockpit, 2 missiles, 1 thruster/energy core
Space Dock = 4 hangers, 3 thrusters/energy cores, 1 bridge