3D Model | Animated | Rigged | Low-poly | .fbx | .ma | .mb | .obj | .stl | .mtl |
Horse with three different coats; Chestnut, Black and Grey. Rigged, Animated and Textured (4557 faces, 5458 Verts) 3 different idles, walking, trot, canter, gallop and death animations. Also this package includes a Horse rig + animations which are created in Autodesk Maya 2016. https://unityassetdepot.itch.io/horse-test-scene
WolfWolf Rigged, Animated and Textured (3582 faces) This package includes five different animations: Running, death, attack and two different idles. Also this package includes a wolf rig + animations which are created in Autodesk Maya.
CobraCobra Rigged, Animated and Textured (1497 faces, 1482 Verts) This package includes four different animations: Idle, Movement, Attack and Death animations. Also this package includes a Cobra rig + animations which are created in Autodesk Maya 2016.
RoosterRooster Rigged, Animated and Textured (668 faces) This package includes four different animations: Walking, Death, and two different Idles. Also this package includes a Rooster rig + animations which are created in Autodesk Maya 2016.
ChickenChicken Rigged, Animated and Textured (402 faces) This package includes four different animations: Walking, Death, and two different Idles. Also this package includes a chicken rig + animations which are created in Autodesk Maya.
RatThis package includes five different animations: Walking, Death, Attack and two different Idles. Also this package includes a rat rig + animations which are created in Autodesk Maya.
CrowCrow Rigged, Animated and Textured (1636 faces) This package includes five different animations: Flying, gliding, trot, death and an Idle. Also this package includes a crow rig + animations which are created in Autodesk Maya.
BatFully rigged, animated and textured bat (524 faces) This package includes 6 different animations: Fly, fly slow, death, attack and two idles. Also this package includes a Bat rig + Animations which are created in Autodesk Maya.