I present to you a collection of ten models of houses that can be used in different scenes designed to render architectural views of cities, quarters, streets, etc.
all details are named logically and are collected in layers with logical names. for example ... all the details of the roof are collected in the House_20_Roof layer
all materials are named logically and do not match the names from other scenes.. when you import into a scene, you will not have problems with the names of objects and materials
all models have an interior. interior done conditionally
--Renderes.......... V-Ray. Corona. DefaultScanline
--Textures 4K 2K 1K
--Scene unit size centimetric. sm
Soon there will be a low poly PBR version of this house designed for games
--Your ratings and feedback will help me understand the problems and improve the quality of my models.--If you want to change something, write to me and I will correct the model.