39 Police Search and Rescue Helicopters

39 Police Search and Rescue Helicopters 3D Model Collection


These 39 copters are originally built in Max 13 near to scale (within 3-4% of scale). Models are available in several formats for a wide variety of end users. Exported formats (3ds, lwo and obj) are prepared well to work correctly with every standard modeling software. Compatibility level with other software’s may be limited. Models are textured with multiple HD maps and provide a good realistic rendering when lighted and animated properly. Previews were rendered using 3dsmax standard scanline. Copters include many animateable features. The main rotor, tail rotor, doors, hoist and spotlight are animateable. Much detail is included. Some models include light weight passenger seating while others include empty cargo space. Cargo doors, auxiliary and flight crew doors can be opened or removed or animated. Some models have animated rotor and tail-rotor. The side loading doors and crew doors can be closed and opened to reveal some good detail in the cabin and cockpit on UH-1B Iroquois, also the pilot and copilots seat include the armor and controls and the instrument panel is viewable from outside of the model. These models are built to be used in in-flight or airport ground animations and video or simulation, also to populate an airport scene.

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39 Police Search and Rescue Helicopters
Custom License 
39 Police Search and Rescue Helicopters
Custom License 
Response 68% in 8.0h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
UV mapping

3D Collection formats

Format limitations
  • Lightwave(.lwo) 39/39
  • Lightwave(.lw) 39/39
  • Lightwave(.lws) 39/39
  • 3D Studio(.3ds) 39/39
  • Rhinoceros 3D(.3dm) 19/39
  • DXF(.dxf) 39/39
  • AutoCAD(.dwg) 39/39
  • Autodesk 3ds Max(.max) 39/39
  • OBJ(.obj) 39/39
  • OBJ(.mtl) 39/39
  • Stereolithography(.stl) 19/39

3D Collection details

  • Publish date2020-09-30
  • Collection ID#2631348
  • Animated 20/39
  • Rigged 39/39
  • VR / AR / Low-poly 0/39
  • PBR 0/39
  • Ready for 3D Printing