3D Model | .dwg | .stl | .stp | .pdf | .x_t | .x_b |
From our P-51 Mustang project.
Developed over a period of 2 years is this selection of sub-assembly 3D Cad models.Formats: DWG, STL, STP and Parasolid X-B (Solidworks, Solidedge format). All files are transferable to all 3d cad systems.Also included are Parts Lists for each assembly with accurate dimensional positioning information.
The P-51 Mustang Project:Our primary purpose is the review of methods applicable to the design and construction of historical aircraft. The P-51 Mustang has been one of our primary subjects for research in criteria of conic design. Inherent to this research we have developed a number of mechanical assemblies in CAD to ascertain positional relationships and study the construction methods.
The 3D CAD models are professionally developed; some of which are now being made available publicly for the first time. The Parts list drawings include important dimensional information to accurately locate components.