Ortas presents you Rim no 21-22-23-24-25.
*** Consisting of nine parts. Main outer rim, side rim, tire, middle, screws and braking disc. Disc also consisting of four parts; two discs, metal balls inside of the disc and braking mechanism.
*** Very easy to use and modify. All the parts are parented under the main outer rim. Objects are not joined together so that you can use the wheel as we have designed or easily change the parts according to your project or game.
*** Disc parts are also parented under the disc so you can also change the parts of the disc if you want to do so.
*** Using this rim is very easy in your games, for the reason that we have tested the wheel in game engines and settled the directions. So if you want to use it in your game, simply import the fbx file plug it into your car and it is done.
*** In order to make things easier for you we are giving you the left side rim and the right side rim seperately. First file is the right and the second file is the left wheel. Simply plug them in into your car without dealing with directions.
*** In order to take the same sight as you see in the preview pictures. Increase the metalic value and/or smoothness value of the parts that are metal.
*** All the materials are embedded in the fbx file. We have used many materials in order to give the realistic view.
*** We are also giving you a 10 $ tire for free with the rim. Check out our tire portfolio to see and purchase many other tires.
*** Polygon and Verticals count is the number with the tire. Tire poly count is around 10.000.
*** Every single rim that we have designed is unique.
In conclusion; very easy to use and very easy to modify. We hope you like it.Don't forget to check out our all portfolio. We have a wide variety of models and much more will be coming soon.
Thanks for your interest for our models.
Best Regards.
© 2015 - 2018 ORTAS AŞ. All Rights Reserved
(After the purchase, royalty free license gives you the right to use this model it in your commercial projects, video game, film, animation, VR/AR application, visualization, etc. After the purchase feel free to do anything including the commercial projects and games with this model. But it is strictly forbidden to distribute, share for free or resell this model personelly or in any other platforms. For more information check out Royalty free license.)