NEOM the LINE LIMITS topography Collection

NEOM the LINE LIMITS topography Collection


Terrain model of a region in Suadi Arabia, where project NEOM LINE is under development. THE LINE, a revolution in urban living at NEOM, and a blueprint for how people and planet can co-exist in harmony.

The model is made of of tiles covering 111km by 112km each. The collection coverrs the terrain around teh sity limits covered buy the follwoifgn 6 tiles:

n28_e34, n28-e35, n28-e36n27_e34, n27-e35, n27-e36

| Meshes has been adaptively optimised and we can provide custom detailing on request.

| Textures – 37,000*42,000 pixels full size texture and a proxy version of 18,500*21,000 pixels. Custom resolutions and formats available upon request.

| 3D Formats provided


Object suitable for architectural and landscape feasibility studies, visualisations and presentations. Model is watertight and suitable for 3D printing.

| Model accuracy – 30m | Texture accuracy – up to 2m | Coordinate system used for generation- WGS 84/Pseudo-Mecator

We take custom orders for specific areas!

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Can be used to produce presentations but not distributed, either as a 3D model nor the supplied maps! | Mesh has been adaptively optimised and we can provide custom detailing on request.

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NEOM the LINE LIMITS topography Collection
Royalty Free License 
10% for Ukraine
NEOM the LINE LIMITS topography Collection
Royalty Free License 
10% for Ukraine
Response 86% in 3.6h
3D Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
PBR modeling

3D Collection formats

Format limitations
  • USDZ(.usdz) 5/6
  • Autodesk FBX(.fbx) 6/6
  • Alembic(.abc) 6/6
  • OBJ(.obj) 6/6
  • OBJ(.mtl) 6/6

3D Collection details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Animated 0/6
  • Rigged 0/6
  • VR / AR / Low-poly 0/6
  • PBR 0/6
  • Publish date2024-12-06
  • Collection ID#5695512