3D Model | Low-poly | PBR | .3ds | .dwg | .fbx | .obj | .max | .dae | .stl | .mtl | .hrd |
Motor Oil Bottle Collection 01
Model is located 0.0.0 coordinate. Units mmAll polygons are triangle surfaces.In max or exported files, Model has only one object, has NO THICKNESS – NO inside surfaces & No textures, uv unwrapped for pbr textures and ready to use texturing softwares.
There is a three different alternative 8K png logo files in Bottle-1Alogo.rar (ex. Bottle-1A1logo.png) so you can edit images and use your brand & logo.
Textures Folders has, 4K, 3 alternative color and logo images in renders, but you can use logo named files or your own images to change them with other color varitions. Download bottle-1a-pre.fbx (contains 3 materialed objects for presentations) that used with substance painter file, you can edit and make alternative colors or adjust your settings to export for your software and use in your projects
Bottle-xx-TextPbr.rar – (4K, 3 alternative logo & colors)BaseColor, Height, Metallic, Normal, Roughness channels
Bottle-xx-TextUnity – (4K, 3 alternative logo & colors)Albedo, AO, Height, Metallic, Normal channels
Bottle-xx-TextUnreal – (4K, 3 alternative logo & colors)BaseColor, Normal, OcclusionRoughnessMetallic channels