Modern Russian Pack - 28mm wargaming miniatures

Modern Russian Pack - 28mm wargaming miniatures 3D Model Collection


Hello, visitor!

This pack consists of six smaller packs you can find in description, but with a better price (35 dollars instead of 42, so buy five - get one for free).

In this set you will find twelve modular models of Russian soldiers c. 2000 year, carrying wariety of weapons including AK-74 assault rifles, PKM machine guns, SVD rifles and RPG-7 grenade launchers and equipped with variety of different vests, both commercial and standard-issue.

Each model consists of head, torso and legs, which are interchangeable across the whole Modern Russian range, MG Gunners also have optional bipods in both closed and open positions.

These models are made with 28mm scale in mind, however i've found them to be perfectly printable in 1/72 as well (as long as you use resin printer)!

In addition to STL files you will also find a Chitubox pre-supported projects i've used for test-printing.

Have a happy printing!

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1 0
derrickcampana2022-02-25 13:26:04 UTC
Modern Russian Pack - 28mm wargaming miniatures
Custom License 
Modern Russian Pack - 28mm wargaming miniatures
Custom License 
Response 100% in 4.6h

3D Collection formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography(.stl) 6/6

3D Collection details

  • Publish date2020-12-09
  • Collection ID#2749965
  • Animated 0/6
  • Rigged 0/6
  • VR / AR / Low-poly 0/6
  • PBR 0/6
  • Ready for 3D Printing