3D Model | Animated | Rigged | Low-poly | PBR | .fbx | .ma | .mb | .obj | .blend | .stl | .ztl | .mtl | .tbscene | .tbmat | .zbp | .png |
750 Medieval Props Pack - 750 High Quality Medieval Style 3D Models- Files Include FBX and OBJ. Includes PBR Texture in 4096 x 4096. - Maps include : Basecolor, Normal, Roughness, Height and Metallic. Some models include AO, SSS, Opacity and Emmisive maps. All Preview renders were done Marmoset Toolbag 4 Scaled to real world scale. Also Check out our 1200+ Model Pack.
Each model in this pack is also sold individually. See each model's individual page to see full marmoset viewers and wireframe renders. 3D Model List:
Ancient Figure Statue
Small Fire Pit
Three Legged Short Stool
Ancient Pottery
Viking Hut Z
Viking Hut Y
Viking Hut V
Viking Hut W
Viking Placard
Elegant Long Table
Medieval Clay Cup
Elegant Wooden Lantern
Viking Hut U
Viking Hut T
Viking Hut S
Viking Hut R
Elegant Short Writing Desk
Elegant Long Writing Desk
Elegant Lecture Stand
Elegant Round Table
Elegant Scroll Holder
Scroll Shelf
Skull Piles
Viking Hut Q
Viking Hut P
Viking Hut O
Viking Hut N
Viking Hut M
Viking Hut L
Viking Hut K
Viking Hut J
Viking Hut I
Viking Hut H
Viking Hut G
Viking Hut F
Viking Hut E
Viking Hut X
Candle on Stick
Viking Hut D
Skull Torch
Persian Carpet Design Four
Persian Carpet Design Three
Persian Carpet Design Two
Persian Carpet Design One
Candle and Holder
Hide Stretcher
Dry Dye Chunks
Clay Chunks
Statue Bridal Couple
Crab Big Red
Viking Chairs
Medieval Wagon
Medieval Cross Pendant
Camping Fire Pit
Medieval Circular Container
Hearth Stone
Dye Bucket
Wooden Crate
Viking Hut C
Viking Hut B
Viking Hut A
Medieval Tower
Windmill Tower
Meat on Bone
Medieval Cabin O
Medieval Cabin N
Medieval Cabin M
Medieval Cabin L
Medieval Cabin K
Medieval Cabin J
Medieval Cabin I
Medieval Cabin H
Medieval Cabin G
Medieval Cabin F
Medieval Cabin E
Viking Chair on Fur
Rusty Lock
Medieval Box
Mystery Stew
Bread on a Plate
White Rice Bowl
Spiced Pie
Pot with Spoon
Picnic Table
Pears Bowl
Pastry in bowl
Grapes and Orange Slices Plate
Chicken Bowl
Butter Plate
Bread Slices Dish
Bones on Plate
Beans Bowl
Asparagus Plate
Apple and Grapes Bowl
Stand with Roof
Custard Pie
Cart with Basket Display
Cheddar Cheese
Medieval Shelves with Baskets Display
Single Stand Display
Wheeled Cart
Wheeled Flat Deck Display
Medieval Style Guarded Modular Walls
Odin Mask
Velez Wooden Figurine
Velez Statue
Lada Statue
Viking Horse Figurine
Dazhbog Wooden Figurine
Dazhbog Statue
Dazhbog Old Wooden Figure
No Sides Shelf
Double Sided Shelf
Medieval Bowls of Food
Medieval Spice Baskets
Pewter Chunks
Pewter Bars
Viking Art Piece
Medieval Irons
Blacksmith Yorkshire
Mossy Grave Stones
Medieval Carved Box
Medieval Elegant Ring
Medieval Stuffed Bread
Viking Decorative Stool
Medieval Fantasy Door
Old Ruin
Severed Toes Horror Prop
Hand Forged Scissors
Apple Slice Pie
Stone Bell
Twisted Bell
Fishing Dock
Anvil tree Stump
Delicious Melon Full and Cut
Plum Delicious Purple
February Manuscript Scroll
February Manuscript Page
January Manuscript Page
January Manuscript Scroll
November Manuscript Scroll
November Manuscript Page
Medieval Gallows
Medieval Grindstone
Medieval Style Staircase
Starter Claymore
Medieval Elegant Papers
Fishing Trap
Medieval Elegant Scrolls
War Mechanism Battering Ram
Rabbit Trap
Valknut Plaque
Butter Wood Plate
Butter Wood Tray
Clay Jug and Wood Pail
Medieval Cheese Wheels
Medieval Cheese Sacks
Medieval Butter Churn with Butter
Table and Bench
Medieval Elegant Bed
Medieval Elegant Writing Stand
Medieval Elegant Deer Designed Bench
Medieval Elegant Fan Legged Table
Medieval Elegant Designed Dresser
Medieval Standing Candle Chandelier
Medieval Books and Key
Medieval Chest Iron Bound Decor
Carpenter Hand Tools
Medieval Water Well
Medieval Catapult
Wood Sticks Bundle
Chicken Wheelbarrow
Heavy Hammer
Ball Peen Hammer
Ball Peen Hammer
Carpentry Clamp
Carpentry Axe
Small Crate
Large Crate
Viking Coins
Hog Splitters509 Medieval Bread Loaf
Medieval Designed Grave Stone
Medieval Meat Pies
Scroll of Sacramentaire de Gellone
Paper of Sacramentaire de Gellone
Scroll of The Psalter of St Columbia
Page of The Psalter of St Columbia
Page of Chanson de Roland
Scroll of Chanson de Roland
Wooden Display Board
Scrolls Three Faded
Medieval Style Pink Jewels
Scrolls Two Faded
Medieval Style Cross Top Bread
Pottery Shelf Wide
Pottery Shelf Slim
Pottery Shelf Long
Earthenware Pottery Amphoras
Pottery Wheel Design Three
Earthenware Pottery Cups
Earthenware Clay Pottery Bowls
Pottery Wheel Design Two
Earthenware Clay Pottery Jugs
Medieval Pottery Wheel Design One
Candle Jar
Salmon Bowl
Medieval Pottery Piece
Wood Stack Pieces
Wood Logs Stack
Medieval Game Dice
Medieval Spinning Top 3
Medieval Spinning Top 2
Medieval Spinning Top
Medieval Drawstring Bag
Green Apple
Apples and Horns Crate
Medieval Manuscript Painting
Medieval Biblical Painting
Medieval Manuscript 2 Painting
Medieval Manuscript 3 Painting
Viking Gravestone
Medieval Bronze Spoon
Medieval Designed Spoon
Pottery Shelf
Medieval Spoon Fork
Medieval Tall Metal Spoon
Medieval Metal Spoon
Medieval Dark Spoon
Medieval Long Wooden Spoon
Medieval Cracked Spoon
Anglo Saxon Sword
Medieval Spears and Stand
Coal Sack
Medieval Style Wagon Wheel
Water Bucket
Severed Nose
Medieval Toasted Bread
Medieval Ridged Pottery
Medieval Style Beef Soup
Medieval Style Oat Covered Stone Baked Bread
Medieval Style Goblet and Spider Web
Medieval Antler Chandelier Design Three
Medieval Style Sledge Hammer
Lamb Leg Meat
Cinnamon Sticks
Medieval Charm Box
Blacksmith Tools
Medieval Standing Torch
Medieval Wall Torch
Viking Sword Wooden Hilt
Viking Sword Inlaid
Simple Strawberry Tart
Intestines Pile Horror Prop
Medieval Style Fire Stand
Medieval Medicine Box
Medieval Blacksmith Long Anvil
Medieval Blacksmith Large Anvil
Medieval Style Cherry Pie
Viking Celtic Cross Sword
Medieval Style Flower Tapestry
Persian Red Tapestry
Medieval Style Potions Holder
Bloody Spine
Medieval Cross Tombstone
Medieval Celtic Cross Tombstone
Medieval Blacksmith Store front Sign
Half Orange
Sausages Meat Pile
Skinned Rabbit Meat
Medieval Style Tent
Medieval Style Treasure Chest
Medieval Bag
Viking Female Chest Armor
Viking Style Dagger
Medieval Style Detailed Goblet
Medieval Style Wooden Bunk Be
Medieval Bakers Oven
Medieval Bakers Oven
Small Coal Shovel
Wood Log
Medieval Bread Paddle
Black Coal
Medieval Style Bronze Bell Decoration
Medieval Pastry
Viking Sun Shield
Medieval Meat Stall
Medieval Royal Chair
Medieval Style Wicker Basket One
Medieval Style Wicker Basket Two
Viking Dragon Shield
Medieval Blacksmith Swage Block
Medieval Guard Clothing
Ancient Medieval Key
Golden Bird Ring Bracelet
Viking Drinking Horn
Pewter Jug
Wooden Bowl 3
Mortar and Pestle
Medieval Style Key
Cross Grave Stone
Severed Tongue
Medieval Style Storage Box
Butter Churn
Medieval Style Rake
Tied Logs with Rope
Curved Fishing Knife
Medieval Cooking Pots
Medieval Bed
Medieval Fishing Pliers
Medieval Wooden Toy Doll
Metal Storage Box
Medieval Style Torch
Wooden Mini Shelf
Medieval Folding Chair
Gold Ingot Small
Medieval Style Broom
Gold Ingot Medium
Gold Ingot Medium
Wooden Bowls
Medieval Chamber Pot
Gorgonzola Cheeses
Apple Core
Round Tavern Table
Medieval Toy Balls
Battering Ram
Wooden Rocking Bench
Wooden Storage Bin
Severed Leg Fresh and Slightly Decomposed
Medieval Chest
Viking Style Knife
Medieval Blanket Bucket
Medieval Blanket Hanger
Viking Style Bed
Wooden Tavern High Chairs
Viking Pendant
Medieval Style Serving Pitcher
Medieval Style Pitcher
Severed Fingers
Scrolls Pile
Medieval Blacksmith Axe
Wooden Crate
Medieval Metal Dishes
Medieval Clothes Iron
Medieval Style Beer Mug
Simple Wooden Bookshelf
Medieval Books Row 2 Design 1
Medieval Books Row 2 Design 2
Medieval Books Row 1 Design 1
Medieval Books Row 1 Design 2
Medieval Books Row 3 Design 1
Medieval Books Row 3 Design 2
Medieval Books Row 3 Design 3
Folding Treasure Map
Medieval Gittern
Medieval Ring
Medieval Jug
Goblet Medieval Style
Medieval Needles Makeup Pieces
Shovel Medieval Style
Medieval Keys Ring of Keys
Water Wheel Wooden
Medieval Hammer
Medieval Board Game
Dirty Pig
Medieval Tavern Wooden Plate
Wood Planks
Medieval Cutlery
Viking Fur Lined Bracers
Viking Coin
3 Medieval Jugs
Viking Dragon Comb
Roquefort Cheese
Bread Piece
Parmesan Cheese Wheel
Wine Barrels and Holder
Burlap Sacks and Pieces
Burlap Sacks Stack of Three Unorderly
Burlap Sacks Three Straight
Stuffed Turkey
Medieval Lantern
Wooden Bench
Brown Egg
Long Wood Table
Wooden Bedside Table
Ancient Ring
Medieval Tavern Soup pot and Spoon
Medieval Tavern Shelf
Medieval Tavern Plate
Medieval Tavern Round Table
Medieval Tavern Melamine
Medieval Tavern Bowl
Medieval Tavern Cup
Medieval Bellows
Wooden Viking Boat
Ancient Terracotta Jar
Terracotta Plate
Ancient Terracotta Spouted Vase
Ancient Terracotta Vase
Terracotta Glazed Pot with Lid
Serpent Viking Shield
Hanging Triangle Decoration
Gold Band Ring
Stag Skull
Old Wooden Chest
Medieval Ring
Fantasy Style Crossbow
Medieval 2 Hole Toilet
Delicious Purple Grapes
Medieval Style Metal Cup
Medieval Candle Stick
Metal Plate
Hay Bale
See Each Model's Individual Page for full Renders and Viewer. Customer Service Guaranteed. From the Creators at Get Dead Entertainment. Please Like and Rate! :)