3D Model | PBR | .3ds | .dwg | .fbx | .obj | .skp | .max | .blend | .stl | .mtl | .gltf | .glb | .usdz | .png | .jpg |
Medical Crash cart, Hospital adjustable bed & delivery robot | a compact collection has high quality, photo realistic 3d models those will enhance details and realism to any of your rendering projects. Each model has a fully textured, detailed design that allows for close-up renders, and was modeled in 3ds Max 2018 also has 3ds Max 2015 version and rendered with V-Ray. Renders have no post-processing.
File Formats:
Glb - (If you need more optimized model for e-commerce and web AR. please contact us with your custom request.)
Gltf - (If you need more optimized model for e-commerce and web AR. please contact us with your custom request.)
Usdz - (If you need more optimized model for e-commerce and web AR. please contact us with your custom request.)
Feel free to leave your opinion in comments and check out my other models just click on our username to see complete gallery.3dxin