3D Model | Animated | Rigged | Low-poly | .3ds | .fbx | .c4d | .obj | .blend | .dae | .mtl | .abc | .mat |
Low-Poly Wild Insects Collection Pack Rigged Animated 3d model
Features: - This Pack includes Low-Poly Wild Insects Collection Pack Rigged Animated 3d model.Well arranged data by names and separate folders .
This pack includes:
Rigged 3D Models
5 Meshes: Lowpoly Honey Bee, Lowpoly Dragonfly, Lowpoly Housefly, Lowpoly Wasp, Lowpoly Mosquito
Animation: 6+ Real World Wild Insects Movements+Attacks.
Texture : HQ Wild Insects Textures.
Available In -c4d, fbx,3ds,obj,dae,abc ------- You can request other 3d formates like Zbrush,max etc
Real world scale,Optimized For Real time rendering and games.So order now this Low-Poly Wild Insects Collection Pack Rigged 3d model.You can easily set this Low-Poly Honey Bee Rigged Animated 3d model,Low-Poly Wild Insects Collection Pack Rigged Animated 3d model in your natural wild forest environment.The model is highly accurate and consists of correct geometry, detail, materials and textures are included.I hope you enjoy my work and hope our Low-Poly Wild Insects Collection Pack Rigged 3d model make your Project environment perfect.So what are you waiting for.!
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