JSDF Full Pack

JSDF Full Pack 3D Model Collection


Hello, dear visitor!

This pack contains all sixteen models i've made for JSDF for 1990-2000s years, including:

  • 4 Patrolling Riflemen
  • 4 Fighting Riflemen
  • 2 Snipers
  • 2 Machine gunners
  • 2 Grenadiers with Type 06 Rifle Grenades
  • 2 Grenadiers with Panzerfaulst 3 RPG

Every model in the pack is printability-tested and proved to be working with both Resin and FDM (with certain details loss due to process limitations) printers.

All these models are intended for 28mm wargaming and have same scale as some of the best miniatures on the market.

My Epidemic Medics (you can find these freebies in my models) have the same scale, so feel free to try them as well!

joshuaalin2021-04-28 18:18:33 UTC
Ah, got it. I saw your models and was inspired to game a future Senkakus scenario.
joshuaalin2021-04-28 18:03:21 UTC
Would it be possible to update with the new Type 20 rifle: https://www.google.com/amp/s/asianmilitaryreview.com/2020/05/japanese-ground-forces-get-new-small-arms/%3famp
CombatOctopus2021-04-28 18:09:09 UTC
Unlikely, as it will require changing the gear to the current state (as the vests shown on the minis are almost phased out by now as far as i'm informed), which leads to completely new set of models. Other way it will look strange to say the least.
Item rating
5 0
peter-edlin2021-05-29 08:12:58 UTC
Excellent figures of an unusual subject and that fit in well with other ranges of 28mm modern figures, both 3D printed and traditionally cast. Would be nice to see additional packs of, say, command, perhaps with an officer, radio operator and a medic, and of other support weapons like the Type 62 machine gun or the Type 96 grenade launcher.
takao-yamashouji2020-11-24 11:35:32 UTC
I think it's a good work that someone isn't likely to create. I like JSDF, so I hope there are more works like this. I think so good.
gzack2020-09-12 16:28:46 UTC
arawn922020-06-11 07:08:38 UTC
biltongary2020-04-13 23:05:34 UTC
Really good files, really good poses, brilliant stuff, love it
JSDF Full Pack
Custom License 
JSDF Full Pack
Custom License 
Response 100% in 4.6h

3D Collection formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography(.stl) 4/4

3D Collection details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Animated 0/4
  • Rigged 0/4
  • VR / AR / Low-poly 0/4
  • PBR 0/4
  • Publish date2020-04-12
  • Collection ID#2365629