2022-02-27 04:25:16 UTCnsiemens4387
Large economic base, trade based economy. Ships able to use tech with more expensive components
ships are used as much for impressing foriegn diplomats and flaunting thier wealth as for war.
Fleet doctrine= often use mercinary ships from other races and therefore thier tactics will differ.
when useing a fully Hacan fleet. Flag ship +dreadnaughts advance to medium range in a battle plane formation.
they then turn broadside, soften up enemy fleet then move to close range to finish them off. If chasing or retreating half ships will
turn and move while other ships cover then others move.
Cruisers move ahead and cover the dreadnaughts advance. Once dreadnaughts open fire cruisers will break off and attempt to attack enemy fleet from
another angle. Carriers discharge fighters and hang back. destroyers stay slightly ahead of the main fleet and intercept fighters. Fighters primarily stay inside the formation and provide anti-fighter coverage,
they have 1 missile to attack larger ships with if neccesary.
Dreadnaughts and FLagship have spires where foreign diplomats stay if the ship comes under attack. they are individually powered and away from the main ship
so that they do not draw fire.