3D Model | Animated | Rigged | Low-poly | PBR | .3ds | .fbx | .dxf | .obj | .blend | .dae | .stl | .mtl | .unitypackage | .uasset | .prefab | .abc | .gltf | .glb | .usdz |
All my game ready low-poly animals.
Here is some kind of alien animal.
Modeled, rigged and animated in Blender for the textures I used substancpainter 2.
It has following animations: Walk-Cycle Run-Cycle Idle-Normal Idle-Aggressive Jump Die-1 Die-2 Attack-Hit Rest
The downloads contains files for Unity 5, Unreal 4 Engine and the Blender Game Engine ready for use and just waiting for the programmer :)
Here is my low-poly wolf model with some basic animations.
I modeled, textured and rigged this wolf in Blender from 14.03.2011 to 05.04.2011. http://wp.me/P3dmoi-1uc
If you wanna use this wolf model for non-commercial projects so check this link: https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/animals/mammal/wolf-rigged-animated-and-game-ready
Wolf test in Unreal 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqZs8_5roaM&
Wolf test in Unity 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztQ6sMVhUZ0&
Here is my rigged low-poly spider with some basic animations.
I modeled, textured and rigged this spider in Blender from 15.05.2010 to 08.06.2010.
Spider Animations:
Controls for Blender Game Engine only:
Here is a remake of my Dragon with new Textures and some improvements.
Dragon 2.0 for Blender Game Engine, Cycles and Blender Internal Render.
Controls for Blender Game Engine:
W : walk forward
Left mouse button + W: run forward
S: walk backward
W+A: walk to the left W+D: walk to the right
Space: to spit fire
Middle mouse button: to open to the wings
Includes following animations:
Run Cycle
Walk Cycle
Idle Pose
Open wings
Fly animation
Demo-Video in Unity 5:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcmqpqYH05w
Demo-Video for BGE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wyqn2WlU6N4&feature=youtu.be
If you wanna use this Dragon for non commercial projects so check this link: https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/animals/reptile/dragon-rigged-and-game-ready