Fountains jets pack ultimate collection 31 presets

Fountains jets pack ultimate collection 31 presets


Set of 31 high-resolution ANIMATED water jets simulated with Phoenix FD.All fountains are LOOPABLE on 149 frames.In other words, if you are doing some stills, you get 149 variations per fountains.

By mixing the different presets, you can create complex fountain setups and cool animations like dancing fountains.

It took 100+ hours to simulate, and weight 50 Go.

Each fountain is made of 2 Alembics: 1 for the water mesh, and 1 for the foam particles.

Alembics have been cached with velocity, so you can render with motion blur.HOWEVER check how/if your renderer supports both explicit velocity channel and alembic particles!You can download the free example to run your tests before making a purchase.

Downloadable scenes are setup with 3Dsmax and Vray, and ready to render.

Full list of presets:Jet_ANGLED_11_100cmJet_ANGLED_11_100cm_Burst_StopJet_ANGLED_11_300cmJet_ANGLED_11_300cm_Burst_StopJet_ANGLED_22_100cmJet_ANGLED_22_100cm_Burst_StopJet_ANGLED_22_300cmJet_ANGLED_22_300cm_Burst_StopJet_Burst_50_150_stopMultiJet_300cmFalling_circular_5cmFalling_circular_20cmFalling_Cylindrical_150cmFalling_Cylindrical_400cmFalling_rectangular_5cmFalling_rectangular_20cmJet_Burst_50cmJet_Burst_150cmJet_Burst_300cmJet_Burst_and_Stop_50cmJet_Burst_and_Stop_150cmJet_Burst_and_Stop_300cmJet_Conic_150cmJet_Conic_400cmThick_Jet_Burst_50_150_stopThick_Jet_Burst_50cmThick_Jet_Burst_150cmThick_Jet_Burst_300cmThick_Jet_Burst_and_stop_50cmThick_Jet_Burst_and_stop_150cmThick_Jet_Burst_and_stop_300cm

Mattia-Ly2024-10-01 03:07:31 UTC
Unbelievable !
Item rating
1 0
nwitchell2021-01-22 03:02:42 UTC
This is a top notch set of fountain jets. Alembic files for everything included for easy use in applications other than 3DS Max. The preview videos showing how each set looks in motion are really helpful for quick reference. Took a mountain of work for me and turned it into placing a few abc files. I hope this seller makes more!
Fountains jets pack ultimate collection 31 presets
Royalty Free License 
Fountains jets pack ultimate collection 31 presets
Royalty Free License 
Response 94% in 0.6h
3D Modeling
Post Production

3D Collection formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk 3ds Max(.max) 4/4
  • PDF(.pdf) 4/4
  • Alembic(.abc) 1/4

3D Collection details

  • Publish date2020-06-17
  • Collection ID#2472673
  • Animated 4/4
  • Rigged 0/4
  • VR / AR / Low-poly 0/4
  • PBR 0/4
  • Ready for 3D Printing