Emoji huge pack collection 59 x

Emoji huge pack collection 59 x


All items have Royalty Free license, except for: Emoji smiling face with sunglasses, Emoji Grinning Face with Sweat, Emoji Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes, Emoji Grinning Face, Emoji Face with Tears of Joy, Emoji Face with Open Mouth, Emoji Frowning Face with Open Mouth, Emoji Face Without Mouth, Emoji Grinning Squinting Face, Emoji Squinting Face with Tongue, Emoji Confused Face, Emoji Downcast Face with Sweat, Emoji Face with Medical Mask, Emoji Flushed Face, Emoji Sleeping Face, Emoji Weary Face, Emoji Angry Face, Smiling Face with Heart-Eyes, Emoji Smiling Face with Sunglasses, Emoji Pile of Poo, Emoji Smirking Face, Emoji Nerd Face, Emoji Anguished Face, Emoji Slightly Smiling Face, Emoji Upside-Down Face, Emoji Winking Face with Tongue, Emoji Slightly Frowning Face, Emoji Winking Face, Emoji Face Screaming in Fear, Emoji Astonished Face, Emoji Dizzy Face, Emoji Pensive Face, Emoji Kissing Face, Emoji Confounded Face, Emoji Kissing Face with Smiling Eyes, Emoji Pouting Face, Emoji Sleepy Face, Emoji Sad but Relieved Face, Emoji Crying Face, Emoji Frowning Face, Emoji Fearful Face, Emoji Fearful Face, Emoji Expressionless Face, Emoji Beaming Face with Smiling Eyes, Emoji Face with Head-Bandage, Emoji Smiling Face, Emoji Smiling Face with Halo, Emoji Face Savoring Food, Emoji Loudly Crying Face, Emoji Face Blowing a Kiss, Emoji Face with Steam From Nose, Emoji Face with Thermometer, Emoji Zipper-Mouth Face, Emoji Thinking Face , Emoji Hugging Face

Item rating
2 0
aphilpo2023-02-24 14:32:42 UTC
llstudio-main2021-10-01 11:04:15 UTC
Great pack.
Emoji huge pack collection 59 x
Custom License 
Emoji huge pack collection 59 x
Custom License 
Response 87% in 0.1h
3D Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
PBR modeling

3D Collection formats

Format limitations
  • OBJ(.obj) 58/58
  • OBJ(.mtl) 58/58
  • Autodesk 3ds Max(.max) 58/58
  • Autodesk FBX(.fbx) 58/58

3D Collection details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Animated 0/58
  • Rigged 0/58
  • VR / AR / Low-poly 0/58
  • PBR 0/58
  • Publish date2020-09-25
  • Collection ID#2623931