Super Collection
3D Model | .3ds | .fbx | .c4d | .lwo | .lw | .lws | .ma | .mb | .obj | .hrc | .xsi | .max | .stl | .mtl |
Modify Tools: Editable Poly, Turbo Smooth - Level 2
Formats: Max 2008 - 2011 format - Default MaterialsMax 2016 format - V-Ray Materials
Converted Formats: Obj FBX 3DS Maya Binary - MB- V2012 LightWave - LWO- V11.5 Cinema 4D - V9.5 Soft Image - XSI - V2014
if you have any problem in this model, please do not hesitate to contact us, we are looking forward to continuously dealing with you.
Markos 3D