Cartoon Room Lowpolys

Cartoon Room Lowpolys 3D Model Collection

The collection consists of:5 models total

This is a very realistic many Carrtoon Room scene in perfect scale. Everything is carefully modelled to get a smooth and nice structure. To keep a stable object structure. The scene is very well organised and easy to change. The final model have interior and prop .

felix-tedesco2023-01-13 00:53:20 UTC
Is it just the rooms or the objects come as well?
vustudios2023-01-13 02:10:38 UTC
these are 5 separate rooms and each includes different 3d objects, and you can check out our single packs. Thank you for your interest in the package
Item rating
2 0
ermaska2021-06-03 16:33:56 UTC
If you get broken downloads the creator will send you anything you need. Also, the Editorial License seems to be a mistake, so it's the same as in the rest of the packs. The whole rooms are one object, but you can separate in 3D program easily so you don't have to load all the FBX in a game scene to use a single object.
redson7vr2019-12-06 02:54:05 UTC
Great models! Thanks for the fast communication.
Cartoon Room Lowpolys
Editorial No Ai License 
Cartoon Room Lowpolys
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 74% in 4.6h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
UV mapping

3D Collection formats

Format limitations
  • OBJ(.obj) 5/5
  • OBJ(.mtl) 5/5
  • Autodesk FBX(.fbx) 4/5
  • Unity 3D(.unitypackage) 2/5
  • Unity 3D(.prefab) 2/5

3D Collection details

  • Publish date2019-02-25
  • Collection ID#1908317
  • Animated 0/5
  • Rigged 0/5
  • VR / AR / Low-poly 5/5
  • PBR 0/5
  • Ready for 3D Printing