Nice work. And I recently found a 3d search engine AssetOvi which indexed most game assets from major mainstream stores, and you can preview model details before making a purchase. https://assetovi.com/3d-models/search?sources=CGTRADER
3D Model | Rigged | Low-poly | PBR | .fbx | .obj | .hrc | .xsi | .mtl | .cob | .scn | .rsobj | .rsscn |
(Collection) Buoy River RB-6-01
Low-poly 3D model Buoy with LODs
LOD3 - (triangles 606) / (points 512)
(the number can be changed 00-99)
(the number can be black or white)
(the chain can be lengthened)
(three color lamp)
Textures for PBR-Specular and PBR-Metallic shader (Albedo, Specular, Gloss, Roughness, Metallic, AmbietOcclusion, NormalMap, Opasity, Emission) they may be used with Unity3D, Unreal Engine. size 2048x2048
Contains 4 LODs
Formats: FBX, OBJ
Objects have adequate names and spaced pivots
All pictures (previews) REALTIME rendering
-for PBR-Metallic
-for PBR-Specular
If you have questions about my models or need any kind of help, feel free to contact me and i'll do my best to help you.