Blender Low-Poly Food Collection

Blender Low-Poly Food Collection

The collection consists of:4 models total
3D Model
  • Blender Egg and Broken EggIt was made by using Blender.

Polygons: 7.571Vertices: 3.812

Egg is a food produced by birds such as chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, and quails through their egg-laying system. They are generally a shelled and nutrient-rich food. Eggs are rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals and contain important nutrients for the human body.

A medium-sized egg contains approximately 70 calories and provides around 6 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat, and several important nutrients such as vitamin D, B6, B12, iron, and zinc.

While eggs are often consumed for breakfast, they are also used in different dishes, desserts, and baked goods. Eggs are also the main ingredient in many food items such as whipped cream, sauces, and mayonnaise.

To consume eggs in a healthy way, it is recommended not to eat them raw and to cook them thoroughly. It is also important to select and store fresh eggs properly as spoiled or cracked eggs can contain harmful bacteria.

Here are some interesting facts about eggs:

A hen can lay about 250 to 300 eggs per year.

The color of an egg's shell is determined by the breed of the hen. It has nothing to do with its nutritional value, flavor, or quality.

The largest egg ever laid weighed approximately 2.589 kilograms (5 pounds and 11.36 ounces) and had a circumference of 47.5 centimeters (18.7 inches). It was laid by an ostrich.

A double-yolked egg occurs when a hen releases two yolks instead of one. It is considered a sign of good luck in some cultures.

Eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for up to five weeks. They should be stored with the pointed end facing down to help preserve freshness.

The shape of an egg is not always oval. Some eggs can be round, pointed, or even pear-shaped.

The yolk of an egg is the part that contains most of the egg's nutrients, including vitamins A, D, and E.

It is possible to hatch a hard-boiled egg by leaving it in warm water for several days. This is because the heat can activate the growth of bacteria inside the egg.

Eggs are a good source of protein and are often used in bodybuilding and fitness diets.

The world record for the most eggs cracked with one hand in one minute is 32, set by Awang Anak Rawang from Malaysia in 2008.


Blender 3.4.1 Cycles .blendMTL .mtlPLY .plyOBJ .obj3D Studio .3dsStereolithography .stlAutodesk FBX .fbxDXF .dxf Alembic .abc USD .usdc Other .pdb Collada .dae

  • Blender Square Mold Dark ChocolateIt was made by using Blender.

I used black and its shades in my product.

Polygons: 6.308Vertices: 3.085

A square mold for dark chocolate is a tool used in chocolate making to create small, square-shaped chocolates. The mold is typically made of silicone or polycarbonate material, and is designed to create consistent, uniform shapes.

Dark chocolate, which is typically made with a higher percentage of cocoa solids than milk chocolate, is a popular type of chocolate for use in molds. Dark chocolate has a rich, intense flavor and pairs well with a variety of ingredients such as nuts, fruits, and spices.

To use a square mold for dark chocolate, melted chocolate is poured into the cavities of the mold, allowed to cool and harden, and then removed from the mold. The resulting chocolates can be eaten as is or used as decoration for desserts such as cakes and cupcakes.

Square molds for dark chocolate come in a variety of sizes and shapes, and can be found in specialty baking and chocolate supply stores. They can also be purchased online. Using a high-quality mold and properly tempering the chocolate can help ensure a smooth, glossy finish on the final product.


Blender 3.4.1 Cycles .blendMTL .mtlPLY .plyOBJ .obj3D Studio .3dsStereolithography .stlAutodesk FBX .fbxDXF .dxfAlembic .abcCollada .dae

  • Blender Cheddar CheeseIt was made by using Blender.

Polygons: 8.978Vertices: 4.494

Cheddar cheese is a type of cheese originated in England and widely consumed worldwide. It has a hard, sliceable texture and a sharp, intense flavor. Here are the benefits and characteristics of cheddar cheese:

Protein source: Cheddar cheese contains high-quality protein and is a good protein source, especially for athletes and active individuals.

Calcium source: Hard cheeses are typically rich in calcium, and cheddar cheese is a rich source of calcium. Calcium is important for bone health and is an essential part of a healthy diet.

Vitamin D source: Cheddar cheese is a rich source of vitamin D. Vitamin D is important for bone health and helps the body absorb calcium.

Boosts immune system: Cheddar cheese contains minerals like zinc and selenium that help boost the immune system.

Speeds up metabolism: Cheddar cheese is a rich source of B vitamins, which help speed up metabolism.

However, cheddar cheese is high in fat and calories, so it's important to avoid overconsumption. Also, cheeses are often high in salt content, so limiting salt intake is important as well.

Here are some interesting facts about cheddar cheese:

Cheddar cheese takes its name from the town of Cheddar in Somerset, England.

The first cheddar cheese was discovered in the 12th century in England.

Traditionally, cheddar cheese is aged for a long time (sometimes years) to harden and develop flavor.

In the United States, cheddar cheese is one of the most popular cheeses, with approximately 3.5 billion pounds of cheddar cheese produced each year.

Cheddar cheese is commonly used for sandwiches, hamburgers, and pasta dishes.

The color of cheddar cheese comes from annatto, a food coloring used in the production process. However, some producers use natural coloring instead of annatto.

Cheddar cheese should be consumed in moderation due to its high fat and calorie content.

Cheddar cheese is a rich source of nutrients such as calcium, protein, and vitamin D, and provides many benefits to the body.

There are many different varieties of cheddar cheese around the world, and they vary in taste and texture depending on factors such as production method, source of milk, and aging time.


  • Blender 3.4.1 Cycles .blend
  • MTL .mtl
  • PLY .ply
  • OBJ .obj
  • 3D Studio .3ds
  • Stereolithography .stl
  • Autodesk FBX .fbx
  • DXF .dxf
  • Low Poly BananaIt was made by using Blender.

Polygons: 708Vertices: 358

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits worldwide. Here are some interesting facts about bananas:

Bananas are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They also contain low amounts of fat and sodium.Bananas are a good source of potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure and support heart health.Bananas are a carbohydrate-rich fruit and are therefore used as an energy source by many athletes.Bananas are also rich in antioxidants, which fight against free radicals and prevent cell damage.Bananas can be used not only as a fruit but also in desserts, bread, and other dishes.When green, bananas release a gas called ethylene, which helps them ripen.In some countries, banana peels are used as an ingredient in cooking. For example, banana leaf wraps are a popular dish in Southeast Asia.Bananas are grown in different varieties worldwide. The Cavendish banana is the most popular type of banana worldwide.Bananas taste best when eaten fresh, but ripened bananas can be used in the making of other foods or frozen for later consumption.

Interesting facts about bananas;

The banana plant is one of the oldest plants in the world and has been cultivated by humans for around 7,000 years.Banana is not actually a fruit. Botanically, it is a type of berry that many people consider to be a vegetable.Banana is one of the most popular fruits consumed annually in the United States.The taste of a banana becomes sweeter as it ripens because its sugar content increases.Approximately 99% of the world's banana production is of a type called Cavendish, which is used in the food industry.Banana contains serotonin, a natural compound with a mild pain-relieving effect, much like aspirin.Banana is rich in vitamin B6, which is beneficial for skin health.Banana peel can be used to reduce acne on the skin.Some people use the inside of banana peel to brush their teeth and whiten them.Banana leaves are used in some cultures to make tea or to cook food.Banana contains prebiotic fiber that helps regulate the digestive system.Because of its high fiber content, banana may help support heart health.Banana is rich in iron and vitamin B12, making it beneficial for anemic patients.Banana contains an amino acid called tryptophan, which may help alleviate depression and anxiety symptoms.Banana can be used as a post-workout snack for athletes as it is rich in potassium and electrolytes, which can help replenish muscles and prevent fluid loss in the body.


  • Blender 3.4.1 Cycles .blend
  • MTL .mtl
  • PLY .ply
  • OBJ .obj
  • 3D Studio .3ds
  • Stereolithography .stl
  • Autodesk FBX .fbx
  • DXF .dxf
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Blender Low-Poly Food Collection
Royalty Free License 
Blender Low-Poly Food Collection
Royalty Free License 
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3D Collection formats

Format limitations
  • Alembic(.abc) 4/4
  • OBJ(.obj) 3/4
  • OBJ(.mtl) 3/4
  • Ply(.ply) 4/4
  • Collada(.dae) 4/4
  • Stereolithography(.stl) 4/4
  • 3D Studio(.3ds) 3/4
  • Autodesk FBX(.fbx) 4/4
  • Blender(.blend) 4/4
  • USD(.usd) 1/4

3D Collection details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Animated 0/4
  • Rigged 0/4
  • VR / AR / Low-poly 0/4
  • PBR 0/4
  • Publish date2023-05-08
  • Collection ID#4488346