Astoria coffee machines

Astoria coffee machines 3D Model Collection

The collection consists of:2 models total
3D Model

Astoria Storm

Thanks to Storm, baristas are free to express themselves and explore their capacity for experimentation through simple and comfortable actions. Storm is research on values ​​that have been lost over time but re-emerged thanks to a new cultural and artisanal approach, which spread rapidly in the world. The coffee dispensed is at the center of every care. Baristas’ gestures the protagonists on stage and have a highly symbolic value. The relationship between those who operate the machine and who savor coffee is revolutionized: the barista who has chosen coffee beans, roasting and brewing with an almost maniacal dedication can offer ritual preparation and storytelling.This is Storm the traditional coffee machine from Astoria, I made it almost globally with editable poly, I leave it in Low poly with the modifier Turbosmooth in Render Iters for a better maneuverability in a big scene, I try to name the models and groups and the materials. Turbosmooth ON Polys: 963 806

Astoria Sabrina

The Astoria Sabrina takes artistic inspiration from the era that changed it all, the 1960s, and fuses prominent design styles from that decade with modern espresso technology to create a coffee machine that is built for the future.

This is Sabrina the traditional coffee machine from Astoria, I made it almost globally with editable poly, I leave it in Low poly with the modifier Turbosmooth in Render Iters for a better maneuverability in a big scene, the LED lamp light is off on the FRAME 0, it lights up from the FRAME 5. the machine has 5 colors. FRAME 5 = White Color FRAME 10 = Violet Color FRAME 15 = Blue color FRAME 20 = Red color FRAME 25 = Green color I try to name the models and groups and the materials. Turbosmooth ON Polys: 475 638

liamargarida2022-01-17 15:51:57 UTC
Nice work
raptor32022-01-17 18:33:46 UTC
thank you
os-car2020-03-06 11:01:38 UTC
nice work!
raptor32022-01-17 18:34:00 UTC
3d-apxumekmop2020-03-05 16:06:00 UTC
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Astoria coffee machines
Royalty Free License 
Astoria coffee machines
Royalty Free License 
Response 78% in 2.0h
3D Modeling
Low-poly Modeling

3D Collection formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk FBX(.fbx) 2/2
  • Autodesk 3ds Max(.max) 2/2
  • OBJ(.obj) 1/2
  • OBJ(.mtl) 1/2

3D Collection details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Animated 1/2
  • Rigged 0/2
  • VR / AR / Low-poly 2/2
  • PBR 0/2
  • Publish date2020-03-05
  • Collection ID#2303326