Adaptable Situational Rifle-All Variants

Adaptable Situational Rifle-All Variants 3D Model Collection


Adaptable Situational Rifle (All Variants)

Package includes: Fbx and Obj files of 3D models; Textures; Blender file; Unreal Engine 4 file; Unity 2020.1.16f1 file.

Materials are set up in the Blender, Unreal and Unity files. Scenes are set up with textures already.

Blender file is set up with textures and materials, to get it to work correctly, look at the descriptions in the individual packages to see how to set up the correct paths for the textures.

Blender files contains models with the original 4 sided polygons instead of triangles like the others.

Correct parent hierachies set up in all scenes.

No Ngons

ASR Variants:

  • ASR-12: body; selector switch; bolt; dust cover. (Black; Tan; Gold; Digitan; Digicam; Snow) (Tris: 13,902; Verts: 7,571) (4K and 2K texture options)

  • ASR-14: body; selector switch; bolt; dust cover. (Black; Tan; Gold; Digitan; Digicam; Snow) (Tris: 15,074; Verts: 8,117) (4K and 2K texture options)

  • ASR-16: body; selector switch; bolt; dust cover. (Black; Tan; Gold; Digitan; Digicam; Snow) (Tris: 14,848; Verts: 8,021) (4K and 2K texture options)

  • ASR-18: body; selector switch; bolt. (Black; Tan; Gold; Digitan; Digicam; Snow) (Tris: 13,306; Verts: 7,241) (4K and 2K texture options)


  • BearClaw Holographic Sight: (Black; Tan; Digitan; Digicam; Snow) (Tris: 6,278; Verts: 3,431) (2K) (1K Glass Textures)

  • Box Scope (4X Zoom): (Black; Tan; Green) (Tris: 3,786; Verts: 2,014) (2K textures for scope body; 1K textures for the glass of the scope) (Glass has a transparent material and a non-transparent material)

  • Venom Red Dot Sight: (Black; Tan; Digitan; Digicam; Snow) (Tris: 4,316; Verts: 2,314) (2K) (1K Glass Textures)

  • Dragon Scope (4X/1X Zoom): Scope body; scope lever (Tris: 5,516; Verts: 3,049) (2K textures for scope body; 1K textures for the glass of the scope) (Glass has a transparent material and a non-transparent material)

  • Tornado Red Dot Sight: (Black; Tan; Digitan; Digicam; Snow) (Tris: 4,216; Verts: 2,274) (2K) (1K Glass textures)

  • Side-Mounted Scope (4X Zoom): (Tris: 8,813; Verts: 4,766) (2K) (You cannot look through this scope mesh. It was designed for when you zoom by moving the camera in front of the scope and covering the whole screen with a crosshair.)


  • Stub Grip: (Black; Tan; Green) (Tris: 1,670; Verts: 855) (1K)

  • Hooked Foregrip: (Black; Tan; Green) (Tris: 1,824; Verts: 929) (1K)

  • Angled Grip: (Black; Tan; Green) (Tris: 1,148; Verts: 615) (1K)

Muzzle Devices:

  • Flash Hider: (Black; Gold) (Tris: 5,292; Verts: 2,646) (1K)

  • Muzzle Break: (Black; Gold) (Tris: 392; Verts: 192) (1K)

  • Sniper Flash Hider: (Black; Gold) (Tris: 264; Verts: 132) (1K)

  • Shotgun Barrel Extension: (Black; Gold) (Tris: 144; Verts: 72) (1K)

  • Shotgun Flash Hider: (Black; Gold) (Tris: 2,016; Verts: 996) (1K)


  • Bipod (with spring): clamp; neck; sheild; leg upper left and right; leg lower left and right; spring upper left and right; spring lower left and right. (Tris: 11,022; Verts: 5,648) (2K)

  • Bipod: body; left leg (upper and lower); right leg (upper and lower). (Tris: 6,206; Verts: 3,171) (1K)


  • Polymer Magazines: 30rd mag (5.45x39mm); 30rd mag (7.62x39mm); 45rd bakelite mag (5.45x39mm); 95rd mag (5.45x39mm). (Black; Tan; Gold; Digitan; Digicam; Snow) (30rd 545: Tris: 2,408; Verts: 1,414) (30rd 762: Tris: 2,404; Verts: 1,390) (45rd 545: Tris: 1,214; Verts: 618) (95rd 545: Tris: 5,286; Verts: 2,937) (2K)

  • Steel Magazines: 30rd mag (7.62x39mm); 40rd mag (7.62x39mm); 75rd mag (7.62x39mm). (Black; Tan; Gold; Digitan; Digicam; Snow) (30rd 762: Tris: 5,268; Verts: 3,013) (40rd 545: Tris: 5,680; Verts: 3,251) (75rd 762: Tris: 3,693; Verts: 2,030) (2K)

  • 10 Round Steel Sniper Magazine: (Black; Tan; Gold; Digitan; Digicam; Snow) (Tris: 3,736; Verts: 2,076) (1K)

  • 12 Gauge Magazines: 05rd mag (Tris: 656; Verts: 330), 12rd mag (Tris: 712; Verts: 358), 30rd mag (Tris: 3,290; Verts: 1,827); (Black; Tan; Gold; Digitan; Digicam; Snow) (2K)


  • 5.45mmX39mm Bullet: bullet head; bullet shell. (Tris: 672; Verts: 340) (512x512)

  • 7.62mmX39mm Bullet: bullet head; bullet shell. (Tris: 768; Verts: 388) (512x512)

  • 7.62mmX54mm Rimmed Bullet: bullet head; bullet shell. (Sniper Load; Tracer; Armour Piercing; Armour Piercing Incendiary) (Tris: 576; Verts: 292) (512x512)

  • Buckshot 12Ga: (Tris: 1,228; Verts: 683) (512x512)

  • Slugshell 12Ga: (Tris: 936; Verts: 495) (512x512)

  • Shotgun Shell (Spent): (Buckshot Spent; Slugshell Spent) (Tris: 912; Verts: 458) (512x512)

  • Slug Head 12Ga: (Tris: 1,056; Verts: 530) (512x512)


  • Blender (Default):Base_Color; Height; Metallic; Mixed_AO; Normal_Open_GL; Roughness. (BearClaw sight, Box Scope, Venom Sight, Tornado Sight and Dragon Scope also contain Opacity and Emissive maps)

  • Unity: AlbedoTransparency; MetallicSmoothness; Normal. (Also an Emission map for the previously mentioned sights)

  • Unreal: BaseColor; Normal; OcclusionRoughnessMetallic. (Also an Emissive map for the previously mentioned sights)

Hope you like it. Kerj-3D

Interior-Mind2023-09-22 05:13:00 UTC
cgressource2022-11-26 09:58:55 UTC
Refaei2022-10-22 12:18:00 UTC
Wow! awesome rifle collection
Robinson172021-03-09 18:43:03 UTC
Amazing Collection.....
Kerj-3D2021-03-09 21:36:18 UTC
Thank you very much.
Item rating
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Adaptable Situational Rifle-All Variants
Royalty Free License 
Adaptable Situational Rifle-All Variants
Royalty Free License 
Response 91% in 4.4h
3D Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
UV mapping
PBR modeling

3D Collection formats

Format limitations
  • Blender(.blend) 4/4
  • Autodesk FBX(.fbx) 4/4
  • OBJ(.obj) 4/4
  • OBJ(.mtl) 4/4
  • UnrealEngine(.uasset) 4/4
  • Unity 3D(.unitypackage) 4/4
  • Unity 3D(.prefab) 4/4
  • mat(.mat) 4/4

3D Collection details

  • Publish date2021-02-03
  • Collection ID#2851801
  • Animated 0/4
  • Rigged 0/4
  • VR / AR / Low-poly 4/4
  • PBR 4/4
  • Ready for 3D Printing