animal collection zoo animals pack

animal collection zoo animals pack

The collection consists of:12 models total
3D Model

The collection models made with 3ds max 2014 and the Hair effect made with the 3ds max plugin called Hair Farm Pro v2.6.1 .

The Hair Farm Pro v2.6.1 plugin files which I already put into the zip file.It can be uesd for 3ds max 2013-2017.

As long as you copy and put the plugin files into your 3ds max folder,the hair effect can be worked.

(1)leopard:8 animation files:

  • leopard001-attack01: 60 frames
  • leopard001-attack02: 30 frames
  • leopard001-attack03: 87frames
  • leopard001-attack04: 30 frames
  • leopard001-idle01: 101 frames
  • leopard001-idle02: 81 frames
  • leopard001-run01: 16 frames (loop)
  • leopard001-walk01: 36 frames (loop)

4 textures include: 1 body texture and 1 normal texture.、1 eye texture 、2 whiskers textures.Eye texture size is:512*512.The whiskers textures size are:1024*1024.The body texture and normal texture size are:4096*4096.

Two formats: 1. 3ds max 2.FBX(without hair effect)

(2)wolf:6 animation files:

  • Wolf-attack: 59 frames
  • Wolf-howl: 181 frames
  • Wolf-idle01: 61 frames
  • Wolf-idle02: 181 frames
  • wolf-run: 16 frames
  • Wolf-walk: 20 frames

5 textures include: 2 different colors body textures、2 different colors eye textures and 1 normal texture.Eye textures size are:1024*1024.The rest textures size are:4096*4096.

Two formats: 1. 3ds max 2.FBX(without hair effect)

(3)beaver:7 animation files:

  • Otter-01-Bite: 26 frames
  • Otter-02-Eat: 71 frames
  • Otter-03-Play: 66 frames
  • Otter-04-Run: 18 frames
  • Otter-05-Backstroke: 61 frames
  • Otter-06-Idle01: 61 frames
  • Otter-07-Idle02: 61 frames

4 textures:3 diffuse and 1 normal. All textures have one size:4096*4096.

Two formats: 1. 3ds max 2.FBX(without hair effect)

(4)bear:6 animation files:

  • bear001-alert: 200 frames
  • bear001-attack01: 100 frames
  • bear001-attack02: 80 frames
  • bear001-idle: 200 frames
  • bear001-run(loop): 20 frames
  • bear001-walk(loop): 50 frames

Four textures include: 2 different colors body textures、1 eye texture and 1 normal texture.Eye texture size is:1024*1024.The rest textures size are:4096*4096.

Two formats: 1. 3ds max 2.FBX(without hair effect)

(5)tiger:7 animation files:

  • Tiger001-attack01: 60 frames
  • Tiger001-attack02: 87 frames
  • Tiger001-attack03: 30 frames
  • Tiger001-idle01: 101 frames
  • Tiger001-idle02: 81 frames
  • Tiger001-run01(loop): 16 frames
  • Tiger001-walk01(loop): 36 frames

10 textures include: 2 different colors body textures and 1 normal texture、 1 eye texture and 6 whiskers textures.Eye texture size is:512*512.The body textures and normal texture size are:4096*4096.

Only one file format:MAX.

Rendring with V-ray 3.4.

(6)elaphurus:6 animation files:

  • eat001: 217 frames
  • idle001: 120 frames
  • idle002: 56 frames
  • wake up001: 85 frames
  • run001(loop): 17 frames
  • walk001(loop): 48 frames

Three textures include: body texture、eye texture and normal texture.Eye texture size is:10241024.The rest textures size are:4096*4096.

Two formats: (1) 3ds max (2)FBX(without hair effect)

(7)boar:5 animation files:

  • boar-attack: 101 frames
  • boar-idle01: 61 frames
  • boar-idle02: 141 frames
  • boar-run: 16 frames(loop)
  • boar-walk: 40 frames(loop)

6 textures include: 3 different colors body textures、1 eye texture and 2 normal textures.Eye textures size is:1024*1024.The rest textures size are:4096*4096.

Two formats: 1. 3ds max 2.FBX(without hair effect)

(8)megaloceros:5 animation files:

  • eat: 217 frames
  • idle01: 120 frames
  • idle02: 55 frames
  • run001(loop): 17 frames
  • walk001(loop): 48 frames

3 textures include: body texture、eye texture and normal texture.Eye texture size is:1024*1024.The rest textures size are:4096*4096.

Two formats: 1. 3ds max 2.FBX(without hair effect)

(9)mammoth: 4 animation files:

  • attack-001: 178 frames
  • idle001: 400 frames
  • run001(loop): 49 frames
  • walk001(loop): 121 frames

3 textures include: body texture、eye texture and normal texture.Eye texture size is:1024*1024.The rest textures size are:4096*4096.

Two formats: 1. 3ds max 2.FBX(without hair effect)

(10)goat:7 animation files:

  • goat001-eat01: 217 frames
  • goat001-idle01: 120 frames
  • goat001-idle02: 120 frames
  • goat001-rest01:144frames
  • goat001-run01(loop): 17 frames
  • goat001-run02(loop): 21 frames
  • goat001-walk01(loop): 48 frames

3 textures include: body texture、eye texture and normal texture.Eye texture size is:1024*1024.The rest textures size are:4096*4096.

Two formats: 1. 3ds max 2.FBX(without hair effect)

(11)Sheep4 animation files:

  • Sheep001-eat: 251 frames
  • Sheep001-idle: 81 frames
  • Sheep001-run(loop): 20 frames
  • Sheep001-walk(loop): 30 frames

4 textures include: 2 different colors body textures、1 sheep hair texture and 1 normal texture.All textures size are:4096*4096.

Two formats: 1. 3ds max 2. FBX(hair effect not work in FBX files)

(12)deer:6 animation files:

  • deer001-eat: 217 frames
  • deer001-idle01: 120 frames
  • deer001-idle02: 55 frames
  • deer001-run(loop): 17 frames
  • deer001-walk(loop): 48 frames
  • deer001-wake up : 85 frames

3 textures include: body texture、eye texture and normal texture.Eye texture size is:1024*1024.The rest textures size are:4096*4096.

Two formats: 1. 3ds max 2. FBX(hair effect not work in FBX files)

(13)gazelle:5 animation files:

  • gazelle001-attack01:48 frames
  • gazelle001-attack01:48 frames
  • gazelle001-idle01: 85 frames
  • gazelle001-idle02: 120 frames
  • gazelle001-run(loop): 16frames

The model have 17606 polygon.

4 formats:3DS MAX\FBX\C4D\MAYA.

3 textures include: 1 body texture、1 eye texture and 1 normal texture. Eye texture size is :1024*1024. Rest textures size are:4096*4096.

(14)elephant:6 animation files:

  • elephant-attack01 : 64 frames
  • elephant-attack02 : 35frames
  • elephant-idle01 : 81 frames
  • elephant-idle02 : 57 frames
  • elephant-run(loop): 30 frames
  • elephant-walk(loop): 57 frames

The model have 24778 polygon.

4 formats:3DS MAX\FBX\C4D\MAYA.

4 textures include: 3 different color body textures and 1 normal texture. All textures size are:2048*2048.

baguln732024-09-02 18:14:39 UTC
Interior-Mind2024-08-03 06:37:02 UTC
good job
serghei-mihailov-ny2022-12-31 20:50:33 UTC
ChuqiLe2021-07-02 19:26:57 UTC
Very nice work good job!
Scorpius3dFarm2021-07-02 15:30:18 UTC
Item rating
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animal collection zoo animals pack
Royalty Free License 
animal collection zoo animals pack
Royalty Free License 
Response 75% in 5.2h

3D Collection formats

Format limitations
  • Blender(.blend) 12/12
  • Autodesk 3ds Max(.max) 12/12
  • Autodesk FBX(.fbx) 12/12
  • Unity 3D(.unitypackage) 1/12
  • Unity 3D(.prefab) 1/12
  • mat(.mat) 1/12
  • Autodesk Maya(.ma) 2/12
  • Autodesk Maya(.mb) 2/12
  • OBJ(.obj) 2/12
  • OBJ(.mtl) 2/12
  • Cinema 4D(.c4d) 2/12

3D Collection details

  • Publish date2021-07-02
  • Collection ID#3133033
  • Animated 12/12
  • Rigged 12/12
  • VR / AR / Low-poly 8/12
  • PBR 0/12
  • Ready for 3D Printing