Ancient Rome Environment Collection

Ancient Rome Environment Collection

The collection consists of:5 models total
3D Model
tharunilam012023-12-30 14:35:52 UTC
StatushevStat19902023-11-05 09:11:50 UTC
Cool collection
zandragozy2023-06-30 22:19:53 UTC
Lovely collection
asoperation2023-05-29 07:58:44 UTC
Nice ancient building and I recently found a 3d search engine AssetOvi which indexed most game assets from major mainstream stores, and you can preview model details before making a purchase. ​
Item rating
2 1
looty2772024-08-23 10:42:16 UTC
Not Recommended
Some of these packs are fine, but others are not and will take hours upon hours of clean up if you use UnrealEngine. I am not a 3d artist but so i had to spend a very long time in blender learning and fixing many problems; I tried to reach the artist for support but no response. Here are the problems i had... Most of the time when you import to unreal, if you merge all the static meshes, the layout becomes completely warped and unuseable or exploded. You have to clear rotation/scale manually in a lot of these FBX files and also apply a new transform on export as well as export with no leaf bones. Sometimes you will import and there is a premade building, othertimes you are forced to use merge which creates the problem. and then need to re-import a second time for seperate static meshes. Roman Barrack - Could not get the fence fbx to import as one piece & also have textures applied Roman Villa - There is a problem with the texture folder layout, so no textures will be applied upon import, you will need to re-organise these... there is also duplicates which you can delete. You need to apply transforms and ensure export with no leaf bones also. Roman Temple - Import was okay because i did not use merge, it's a small file so easy to put together. Roman Patrician House, Merge problem also, but worse than that, there was no FBX file. There are Obj/Mtl files, but the mtl files are all connecting to the Designers Path on his PC, so you have to manually edit and change all these to be i.e Roman Patrician House/ Textures (delete his drive/pc etc), create an fbx file and then export fbx with apply transforms + no leaf bones It seems like all of the files just need a double checking before they are exported initially, it's just kind of sloppy. Once you apply transforms and ensure no leaf bones are set... is all good, you can re-export to fbx and it will be fine. Design of the models themselves is very great and believeable. I quite like the models, but i had to spent over 14 hours figuring out the problem and how to get it to import right, when i realised it was something so simple that the designer didn't do initally i was pretty annoyed. Obviously it's made for Unity, but FBX file should be useable anywhere.
todmodeler2023-06-07 14:06:11 UTC
tiago-ruao2021-09-03 17:12:24 UTC
Ancient Rome Environment Collection
Royalty Free License 
Ancient Rome Environment Collection
Royalty Free License 
Response 83% in 6.3h
3D Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
UV mapping
PBR modeling

3D Collection formats

Format limitations
  • OBJ(.obj) 5/5
  • OBJ(.mtl) 5/5
  • Unity 3D(.unitypackage) 4/5
  • Unity 3D(.prefab) 4/5
  • Autodesk FBX(.fbx) 5/5
  • mat(.mat) 1/5

3D Collection details

  • Publish date2020-06-09
  • Collection ID#2460954
  • Animated 0/5
  • Rigged 0/5
  • VR / AR / Low-poly 1/5
  • PBR 5/5
  • Ready for 3D Printing