Agumon is the Digimon partner to the DigiDestined Taichi Tai Kamiya in the anime Digimon Adventure, and frequently reappears in other media. Agumon is his main Rookie form, in which he spends most of his time, but throughout the series he often digivolves into other forms, during which he is known by the names of those forms.Agumon often counterpoints his partner Tai. While both are matched well in that they can act rather brashly and hot-headedly when their friends are in danger, Agumon is typically the more cautious one, even if his partner disregards his advice. The pair joke around with each other a lot and go through many trials together, but their trust in each other is evident.
Agumon is a Digimon from Haru Shinkai's Digimon Universe saved data. His Champion, Ultimate, and Mega forms are Greymon, MetalGreymon, and WarGreymon respectively.
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