6 High-quality PBR Ocean Buoys

6 High-quality PBR Ocean Buoys 3D Model Collection

The collection consists of:9 models total

High-quality 3D models collection of various types of buoys. There are six low-poly 3D models inside this pack.
Each 3D model has its own collection of PBR textures (Albedo, Metallic, Smoothness, Normal, Ambient Occlusion).
These 3D models are best for use in games and other VR / AR, real-time applications such as Unity or Unreal Engine.
It can also be rendered in Blender (ex Cycles) or Vray as the model is equipped with all required detailed PBR textures.
Models are built with great attention to detail and realistic proportions with correct geometry.
PBR texture sets are very detailed so it makes this model good enough for a close-up.

Collection includes:

  1. TAO Weather Data Buoy - 4096 x 4096 PBR Texture Set, 3265 Triangles, 3366 Vertices
  2. Weather Buoy - 4096 x 4096 PBR Texture Set, 4478 Triangles, 5058 Vertices
  3. Wave Measurement Buoy - 4096 x 4096 PBR Texture Set, 2928 Triangles, 2133 Vertices
  4. Mooring Buoy - 4096 x 4096 PBR Texture Set, 1490 Triangles, 1023 Vertices
  5. Weather Data Buoy - 4096 x 4096 PBR Texture Set, 4672 Triangles, 4752 Vertices
  6. Navigation Buoy - 4096 x 4096 Main & 256 Alpha PBR texture Set, 5728 Triangles, 5660 Vertices

Models info:

  • Each model is one mesh.
  • Models are completely unwrapped.
  • Models are fully textured with all materials applied.
  • Pivot point centered at world origin.
  • Models are scaled to approximate real world size (centimeters).
  • All nodes, materials and textures are appropriately named.

Available file formats:

  • 3ds Max 2016 (.max)
  • Maya 2018.3 (.mb)
  • Blender 2.82 (.blend | Cycles)
  • Unity3d 2017.3 (.unitypackage)
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)
  • 3D Studio (.3ds)
  • Collada (.dae)
  • OBJ (.obj)

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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCKuB8qTeRtiX0vye9qverw/
Website: https://www.rescue3d.com

Additional Info:

  • To avoid misunderstandings this model is not intended for 3D printing.
    It uses some low/mid-poly modeling tricks and is optimized for real-time and gaming apps and is an open mesh.
    It is also intended primarily for rendering using various rendering engines (as Blender Cycles or Vray).
  • If you like this model and would like to make it printable please contact me first.
    I'll try to make the model printable but I'll et you know if it is at all possible and what the differences will be.
  • If you are not sure about something in this 3D model then feel free to email me and ask before you buy.
    I'll try try to reply as soon as possible and help you clear up any doubts. I can also send you some additional screenshots if you need.
Item rating
5 0
j-davidson2022-04-09 10:47:00 UTC
Another set of extremely well produced assets. Dropped them straight into Unity without needing to make any modifications. 5*!
8-Ball2021-12-31 18:41:10 UTC
borjaalami-12021-11-01 12:50:43 UTC
haraldfrankerez2020-05-22 16:01:01 UTC
Really Great Asset Pack! ... And really great support 5/5 Stars
alainbalseiro2020-04-15 16:33:46 UTC
Excellent work as usual!
6 High-quality PBR Ocean Buoys
Royalty Free License 
6 High-quality PBR Ocean Buoys
Royalty Free License 
Response 73% in 7.1h

3D Collection formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk FBX(.fbx) 6/6
  • Autodesk 3ds Max(.max) 6/6
  • Autodesk Maya(.ma) 6/6
  • Autodesk Maya(.mb) 6/6
  • OBJ(.obj) 6/6
  • OBJ(.mtl) 6/6
  • Unity 3D(.unitypackage) 6/6
  • Unity 3D(.prefab) 6/6
  • 3D Studio(.3ds) 6/6
  • Blender(.blend) 6/6
  • Collada(.dae) 6/6

3D Collection details

  • Publish date2020-03-27
  • Collection ID#2335115
  • Animated 0/6
  • Rigged 0/6
  • VR / AR / Low-poly 6/6
  • PBR 6/6
  • Ready for 3D Printing