55 Bushes Collection-Blender-3DModel

55 Bushes Collection-Blender-3DModel


55 Bushes Collection-Blender-3DModel

All textures are packed

  • Blender 3.3
  • Render(native): Cycles

    HDRI environments


  1. flowering bushes collection vol 43-Blender(Cycles)
  2. flowering bushes collection vol 50-Blender(Cycles)
  3. bushes collection vol 61-Blender(Cycles)
  4. outdoor bushes collection vol 9-Blender(Cycles)
  5. outdoor flowering bush collection vol 74-Blender(Cycles)
  6. Outdoor Bushes Collection vol 89-Blender(Cycles)
  7. Flowering Bushes collection vol 108-Blender(Cycles)
  8. bushes 4 collection vol 110-Blender(Cycles)
  9. Nerium oleander collection vol 112-Blender(Cycles)
  10. Rose bush collection vol 121-Blender(Cycles)
  11. Laurel Hedging Bushes collection vol 129-Blender(Cycles)
  12. Bushes collection vol 154-Blender(Cycles)
  13. Laurel Hedging Bushes vol 162-Blender(Cycles)
  14. Oleander collection vol 166-Blender(Cycles)
  15. collection of bushes vol 164-Blender(Cycles)

To access the 3dsmax file of this product, you can refer to the following link:


Item rating
1 0
jeffreyalpha2024-03-17 03:41:05 UTC
If you want to use the models in 3ds Max or any other modeling program other than Blender, you have to download Blender (free), install, open each individual Blender model file and extract the texture files. Repeat this 15 times to get all the required maps. There are several Youtube videos on how to "Extract textures from Blender files".
55 Bushes Collection-Blender-3DModel
Royalty Free License 
55 Bushes Collection-Blender-3DModel
Royalty Free License 
Response 96% in 6.5h
3D Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
UV mapping
PBR modeling

3D Collection formats

Format limitations
  • Blender(.blend) 15/15
  • Autodesk FBX(.fbx) 15/15
  • OBJ(.obj) 15/15
  • OBJ(.mtl) 15/15

3D Collection details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Animated 0/15
  • Rigged 0/15
  • VR / AR / Low-poly 0/15
  • PBR 4/15
  • Publish date2023-12-02
  • Collection ID#4942082