3D Model | .3ds | .dwg | .fbx | .dxf | .obj | .max | .blend | .dae | .stl | .mtl | .pdf | .abc | .gltf | .glb | .usdz | .idw | .hrd |
54 Buildings ( Futuristic - Modern - Organic - Skyscraper - Sci-fi ) - Big Bundle.
Individually, these 54 items cost $2055.
Native Format File: 3Ds Max 2020 - Rendering by Vray Next.
3Ds Max Save as 3Ds Max 2017 with Converted all objects to Editable Poly.
3Ds Max Save as 3Ds Max 2020 ( Standard Materials ) with Converted all objects to Editable Poly.
Blender format file is available.
Exporting Formats: Autodesk FBX ( .fbx ), OBJ ( obj, mtl ), usdz, glb, gltf.
All texture maps are included as JPG.
Support 24/7.