50 High Quality Cream Jar Collection

50 High Quality Cream Jar Collection


This is a large collection of high-quality cream jars created in Blender 3.3.0 and later sculpted in Zbrush and render in Blender 3.3 Cycles. This model was created with high customer satisfaction in mind. The meshes included in the models are mostly quads and less of triangles.The attached formats include the following

  • Blend file(which contains everything from the render setup, materials, textures, lighting setup, environment setup, just basically it contains everything)
  • Cinema 4D. (Just a converted format)
  • 3DS
  • Adobe Dimension (Just a converted format)
  • gltf
  • FBX
  • OBJ

Due to some copyright issues, I couldn't include the HDRI used to render the models into the main blend file, but there are a ton of free HDRI out there, just get one and plug it into the world settings in your blend file and you should be ready to rock.you can get some great HDRI's from this link for basically free: https://polyhaven.comany outdoor HDRI should work seamlessly.

FOR BLENDER USERS.Hello Blender Users, should you have some weird distortion moving the main jars around, just apply the modifiers in this order for the main Jars. First apply the subdivision levels to your preferencesand next apply the Shrinkwrap modifier (probably the most important modifier to apply)and heck you can apply the modifiers in any order you want but its extremely advisable to apply the subdivision modifier first followed by the shrinkwrap modifier.should any challenge arise, don't hesitate to get in touch, I'm more than willing to help you out.

Just in case you want to attach labels to the models and you have issues, just get in touch with me using the product support and I will slap the labels on the models for free.Have a personal project you want me to work on for you? Just hire me and let’s get started.Enjoying the models? a Positive rating is massively appreciated.


Don't forget to grab a free HDRI from https://polyhaven.com.

Item rating
1 0
paulyliebs2022-10-24 18:51:38 UTC
Amazing Package! Winful goes above and beyond when compiling these files. Hands down the best designer on CGTrader!
50 High Quality Cream Jar Collection
Royalty Free License 
50 High Quality Cream Jar Collection
Royalty Free License 
Response 97% in 0.1h
3D Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
UV mapping
PBR modeling

3D Collection formats

Format limitations
  • glTF(.gltf) 49/50
  • glTF(.glb) 49/50
  • Autodesk FBX(.fbx) 50/50
  • OBJ(.obj) 50/50
  • OBJ(.mtl) 50/50
  • Cinema 4D(.c4d) 50/50
  • 3D Studio(.3ds) 50/50
  • Adobe Dimension(.asd) 50/50
  • Adobe Dimension(.dn) 50/50
  • Blender(.blend) 50/50

3D Collection details

  • Publish date2022-09-22
  • Collection ID#4007283
  • Animated 0/50
  • Rigged 0/50
  • VR / AR / Low-poly 50/50
  • PBR 6/50
  • Ready for 3D Printing