432 Diamond Earrings jcd 3dm stl renders details

432 Diamond Earrings jcd 3dm stl renders details 3D Model Collection

  1. 432 Diamond Earrings jcd 3dm stl renders details
  2. Each model of this collection have.....
  • 9 renders ( 3 view in 3 colors-yellow/white/rose)
  • 3d models - stl model from printing, jcd model for editing and 3dm models for rendering
  • Details- Gem map- ct of diamonds, metal wt and so.


Cad cart is one stop solution for cad, render, video, 360 view, catalogue and model view for diamond jewellery designs.

We are providing cad models of......

#RINGS #EngagementRings #CoupleBands #Casualbands #Cocktail #BridalSet #TrendyRings #TwinRings

#EARRINGS #Studs #Drops #Hoops&Huggies #EarCuffs&Hugs #Fashion

#PENDANTS #Personalised #Fashion #Initials #Religious #Charms

#CHAINS AND NECKLACES #Chains #Necklace #LongNecklace #BarNecklaces #YNecklace #PearlNecklace #CasualNecklace

#BANGLES AND BRACELETS #Bracelets #Bangles #BroadBangles #ThinBangles #Single Line #CharmsBracelets


#MEN'S JEWELLERY #RingsforMen #Men'sEngagementRings #Chains #Bracelets #Pendants #EarringsforMen #Cufflinks

#KIDS JEWELLERY #EarringsforKids #Pendants #Necklaces #BanglesandBracelets #JewellerySets

#GEMSTONE JEWELLERY #GemstoneRings #GemstoneEarrings #GemstonePendants #GemstoneNecklace #GemstoneBangles #NosePins

#SOLITAIRE JEWELLERY #SolitaireRings #SolitaireEarrings #Pendants #Bangles #NosePins

Item rating
1 0
fatihcapan2023-12-16 13:44:40 UTC
Be cautious models are jewelcad base file not Rhinoceros..! But the seller very trustful and offer a different collection exchange for and fixed my problem. You never waste your money with this seller. But don't buy this collection if you don't use jewelcad. Thank you
432 Diamond Earrings jcd 3dm stl renders details
Royalty Free License 
432 Diamond Earrings jcd 3dm stl renders details
Royalty Free License 
Response 98% in 0.8h
3D Modeling

3D Collection formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography(.stl) 432/432
  • Rhinoceros 3D(.3dm) 430/432
  • JewelCAD(.jcad) 426/432
  • JewelCAD(.jcd) 426/432

3D Collection details

  • Publish date2021-05-18
  • Collection ID#3047461
  • Animated 0/432
  • Rigged 0/432
  • VR / AR / Low-poly 0/432
  • PBR 0/432
  • Ready for 3D Printing