16 Insect Animals Pack

16 Insect Animals Pack 3D Model Collection


16 Insect Animals Models Low Poly package/collection. Perfect for games, scenes or renders.All textures are UV mapped for easy editing. (2048x2048 pixels).

Horned Ant, African Bee, Scolopendra, Butterfly 89, Cockroach, Beetle Goliath, Black Widow, Scorpion, Tarantula, Ladybug, Grasshopper, Stick insect, Fly Insect, Small peacock, Dragonfly, Flea

GENERAL Easy editable Uv mapped Model is fully textured

All formats have been tested and work correctly. Some files may need textures adjusted or added depending on the program there imported into.

Horned AntTEXTURES: Models includes high textures with maps: Diffuse (.png) Normal (.png) Displacement (.png) Ambient Occlusion (.png)FORMATS: .fbx .obj .blend .3ds .stl .dae

African BeeTEXTURES: Models includes high textures with maps: Diffuse (.png) Normal (.png) Displacement (.png) Ambient Occlusion (.png)FORMATS: .fbx .obj .blend .stl .dae

Scolopendra TEXTURES: Models includes high textures with maps: Diffuse (.png) Normal (.png) Displacement (.png) Ambient Occlusion (.png)FORMATS: .fbx .obj .blend .3ds .stl .dae

Butterfly 89TEXTURES: Models includes high textures with maps: Diffuse (.png) Normal (.png) Displacement (.png) Ambient Occlusion (.png)FORMATS: .fbx .obj .blend .3ds .stl .dae

CockroachTEXTURES: Models includes high textures with maps: Diffuse (.png) Normal (.png) Displacement (.png) Ambient Occlusion (.png)FORMATS: .fbx .obj .blend .3ds .stl .dae

Beetle GoliathTEXTURES: Models includes high textures with maps: Diffuse (.png) Normal (.png) Displacement (.png) Ambient Occlusion (.png)FORMATS: .fbx .obj .blend .3ds .stl .dae

Black WidowTEXTURES: Models includes high textures with maps: Diffuse (.tif) Normal (.tga) Displacement (.tga) Specular (.tga)FORMATS: .fbx .obj .blend .3ds .stl .dae

Scorpion TEXTURES: Models includes high textures with maps: Diffuse (.png) Normal (.png) Displacement (.png) Ambient Oclussion(.png)FORMATS: .fbx .obj .blend .3ds .stl .dae

Tarantula TEXTURES: Models includes high textures with maps: Diffuse (.png) Normal (.png) Displacement (.png) Ambient Oclussion(.png)FORMATS: .fbx .obj .blend .3ds .stl .dae

Ladybug TEXTURES:Diffuse (.png), Ambient Oclusion (.png), Normal (.png), Displacement (.png)FORMATS:.fbx .obj .dae .3ds .stl .blend .ply

Grasshopper TEXTURES:Diffuse (.png) Ambient Oclusion (.png) Normal (.png) Displacement (.png) Specular (.png)FORMATS:.fbx .obj .dae .3ds .stl .blend .ply

Stick insectTEXTURES:Diffuse (.png) Ambient Oclusion (.png) Normal (.png) Displacement (.png) Specular (.png)FORMATS:.fbx .obj .dae .3ds .stl .blend .ply

Fly InsectTEXTURES:Diffuse (.png) Ambient Oclusion (.png) Normal (.png) Displacement (.png) Specular (.png)

FORMATS:.fbx .obj .dae .3ds .stl .blend .ply

Small peacockTEXTURES:Diffuse (.png) Ambient Oclusion (.png) Normal (.png) Displacement (.png) Specular (.png)FORMATS:.fbx .obj .dae .3ds .stl .blend .ply

Dragonfly TEXTURES:Diffuse (.png) Ambient Oclusion (.png) Normal (.png) Displacement (.png) Specular (.png)FORMATS:.fbx .obj .dae .3ds .stl .blend.ply

Flea TEXTURES: Models includes high textures with maps: Diffuse (.png) Ambient Oclusion (.png) Normal (.png) Specular (.png)FORMATS: .fbx .obj .dae .3ds .stl .blend .ply

StatushevStat19902024-01-06 20:26:18 UTC
Very good
3d-apxumekmop2019-03-10 07:10:54 UTC
good models
fluza2019-03-10 03:53:00 UTC
Item rating
0 0
16 Insect Animals Pack
Royalty Free License 
16 Insect Animals Pack
Royalty Free License 
Response 83% in 6.8h
3D Modeling
Low-poly Modeling

3D Collection formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk FBX(.fbx) 16/16
  • 3D Studio(.3ds) 15/16
  • Blender(.blend) 16/16
  • OBJ(.obj) 16/16
  • OBJ(.mtl) 16/16
  • Stereolithography(.stl) 16/16
  • PDF(.pdf) 15/16
  • Collada(.dae) 16/16
  • Ply(.ply) 2/16

3D Collection details

  • Publish date2019-03-09
  • Collection ID#1919572
  • Animated 0/16
  • Rigged 0/16
  • VR / AR / Low-poly 16/16
  • PBR 0/16
  • Ready for 3D Printing