Kazanofa2024-01-30 01:21:01 UTCVery nice collection, quick answer and support, and fair price.
fiqqman2024-01-16 04:38:00 UTCAll is good but the men pack volume 3 is missing. Pls give me a feedback on how I can get that
phaganhk2024-01-07 17:31:21 UTCDownloading the pack and unzipping uncovers:
- 2 archives (Mens Vol1, WomensVol2) Usable
- 2 archives (MensVol2, WomensVol3) containing text files with links to Mega.nz archives that once downloaded cannot be uncompressed (with errors or reporting "corrupted") - very sus.
- 1 archive (Womens Vol1) corrupted / unopenable
Out of the 105 clothes I thought I purchased and just needed to download and start using I have access to 40 OBJs (Basic Mens Vol 1 and Basic Womens Vol2) as all the other archives appear to be un-usable.
Still very strange delivery structure / but changed from negative to positive review - Seller rapidly reached out to resolve the concerns.
madmoviesinc2023-12-30 01:11:30 UTCThese worked great! Thanks!