Valentine's 3D Printing Challenge

Valentine's 3D Printing Challenge

Are you tired of the same gifts for Valentine’s Day each year? Great! Here is a wonderful chance to change that once and for all.

Sweets, flowers, jewelry - it is easy to foresee the gift-giving moves of a man in love, right? Well, it is not a secret, that the best gifts are those which can surprise. The things that definitely surprises are 3D printing models.

Join our side and make Valentine’s day a 3D printable day. Re-think the shape of heart, the shape of any other gifts - teddy bears, jewelry and any 3D models for printing that could be presented as a gift or somehow relates with the day of love.

Create a unique 3D printable model of something for Valentine’s day and win great prizes - we have a 3D printer over here waiting for the winner.

Love is in the air - put it in a 3D print!

Challenge ended on: 2014-02-28 23:59:59 UTC


Below are the top quality models that were participating in this challenge.

There are no entries in this challenge just yet.

Awards & Prizes

There are two categories of awards in this challenge. Each of them will have one winner and two runner-ups.

Best Valentine's 3D Printable Portfolio

The award will be given for the best printable Valentine related models uploaded during the challenge period.

For the winner
For the two runners-up
  • 75 EUR gift card for 3D printing by Sculpteo
  • 2kg of premium PLA Filament from iGo3D
  • Promotional features on CGTrader
  • 3D Printing your model of choice by CGTrader
  • CGTrader T-shirt

Best Valentine's 3D Printable Model

The award will be given for the best printable Valentine related model uploaded during the challenge period.

For the winner
  • 300 USD from CGTrader
  • 5kg of premium PLA Filament from iGo3D
  • 100 EUR gift card for 3D printing by Sculpteo
  • 3D printing pen + 1kg of Filament spool from iGo3D
  • CGTrader T-shirt
For the two runners-up
  • 75 EUR gift card for 3D printing by Sculpteo
  • 2kg of premium PLA Filament from iGo3D
  • Promotional features on CGTrader
  • 3D Printing your model of choice by CGTrader
  • CGTrader T-shirt

3D Print UK will choose one model from all the entries to 3D print and showcase on CGTrader.

Terms & Conditions

In order to qualify for the prize winnings, you must agree to terms & conditions.

Submission deadline: February 10, 2013, 23:59:00 PST

  • Valentine's 3D Printing Challenge will run from the 9th of January, 2014, to the 10th of February, 2014.
  • Only 3D printable models will be eligible to participate in a challenge.
  • Make sure to check the box "Valentine's 3D Printing Challenge" when uploading the right model.
  • The files must be submitted as .STL or .WRL files and be 3D printable.
  • Upon joining this challenge, you agree that your rendering scene or 3D print designs might be used by sponsors for marketing purposes.
  • You can have as many entry models as you want.
  • The challenge is open to everyone, including teams, legal entities and people from all over the world.
  • Participating in the challenge and uploading 3D models to CGTrader platform is free of charge.
  • All the entries must be original and not derivable.
  • Employees and relatives of CGTrader and sponsor teams are not allowed to participate in this challenge.
  • Any existing taxes or duties must be paid by the winner. CGTrader is not responsible for any illegal actions taken by the prize winners.


The judging of the challenge is supervised by CGTrader staff. Winners will be chosen following the requirements below:

The judging of the challenge will be performed by CGTrader staff and the sponsors. Winners will be chosen following the requirements below:

Best Valentine's 3D Printable Portfolio

  • Quality of the 3D printable models
  • The number of 3D printable models submitted to the challenge
  • Uniqueness, innovation, and general achievement in design of the 3D printable models
  • Clear and attractive presentation on
  • Number of randomly chosen models which successfully passed printability test

Best Valentine's 3D Model

  • Quality of the 3D printable model
  • Uniqueness, innovation, and general achievement in design of the 3D printable model
  • Clear and attractive presentation on
  • Model successfully passed printability test

Frequently Asked Questions

Please go through these questions before contacting us

How can I participate in the challenge?

Simply upload 3D printable model, check the box Valentine's 3D Printing Challenge while uploading and you are IN!

How much models can I submit to the challenge?

There are no restrictions on that. More models - more chances to be on the winner designers list!

What is a 3D printable model?

A 3D printer needs files in the industry standard file format STL, or WRL for multiple color prints. Most 3D design software can export to STL. 3D printable models have additional requirements in their design - models must be watertight, which means that the model has only closed solids, and no open surfaces.

Do free 3D models participate in the challenge?

Yes, absolutely. Sharing artwork is always appreciated in the community.

Can I sell my 3D models which participated in other challenges elsewhere?

Yes. There are no restrictions on publishing and selling your models elsewhere.

Do price tags play any importance when entries are being judged?

No. But do not forget that the prices are always judged by the customers.

I want to participate in the challenge so I am going to delete my already uploaded models and upload them again to meet the "publishing period" requirement. Can I do that?

No. We are tracking every deleted and uploaded model, so it is useless to drive-through our requirements of the challenge.

As Seen On

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