4 Sept 2014
26 Clever 3D-printed Life Hacks for Urban Cyclists
Urban cycling is blooming. The two-wheeled monsters are reclaiming city streets and that’s good news for the planet, for our own health and the bank account. Yet, every cyclist has his own style, habits and needs, while urban bikes can’t always meet them. We’re way passed that evolutionary stage when one-size-fits-all. So, that’s where 3D printing comes in.
We have collected these 26 practical life hacks for cyclists that will be so easy to digest because they’re all images! Thanks to these smart 3D printable designs (and products like FlyKly's smart wheel), your commute (and therefore your life) can be so much easier…
Designed by Pookas
Designed by Renaud Defrancesco
Designed by greenengineer
Designed by Jonathan Monaghan
5. Stainless steel lugs. Only with these lugs on your bike you can officially refer to it as my precious.
Designed by vorwaertz
Designed by New Zealand designer Annabelle Nichols
Designed by Tristan Hummel
Designed by kdw
Designed by Pookas
Designed by Phil Wiloughby
Designed by wearableplanter
Designed by Rich Olson
Chomp head valve caps designed by prathos
Blowfish valve caps designed by prathos
Designed by Pookas
Designed by smaddox3
Designed by Clug
Designed by yourhandsmyface
Designed by scottamayson
Designed by marius_p
19. Road popper. No one is going to throw a party without you present, promise.
Designed by chromoly
Designed by Nalio
Bicycle mount designed by BruininkP
Samsung sun shield bicycle clip designed by James Rowlands
Universal aerobar watch mount designed by David Hotard
Garmin support designed by GioPiantoni
Designed by BernHardM
24. Zap-strap bell. Don't go unnoticed, even if you can.
Designed by Renaud Defrancesco
25. Bike frame. You already have a pretty-well-functioning bike frame, but this is just ultimate swag.
Designed by James Novak
26. Cup holder. If you're just an occasional rider, this is for you. Go off the road, though. Or get hissed at.
Designed by tomorrowlab
Have a better idea how to make urban cyclists' lives easier? Enter the 3D Printed Bicycle Accessories Challenge to win amazing prizes.