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  • 20 Incredible 3D Artworks Illustrate Spring-Related Moments Everyone Experiences
2 Mar 2015

20 Incredible 3D Artworks Illustrate Spring-Related Moments Everyone Experiences

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It's likely this won't come as news to you, but there has been a major shift in moods around the world, as we have officially entered the better half of the calendar (and year) - yeap, it's finally spring!

Even if it's only on paper yet, we're brimming with happiness. And hey, if the thought of heavenly good weather, frisbee parties and no coats doesn't excite you, you clearly need to review your priorities in life. So having experienced a full spectrum of positive emotions, we have revisited our gallery to illustrate some spring-related thoughts that have already crossed our minds... Do you have anything to add?

Wasp by paulhpaulino. That feeling when you take your four-wheeled (or two-wheeled) beast for the first ride of the season.

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Smurf by Prashanthh. When you finally show up at a friend's party after canceling 7 times in a row because you didn't feeling like attending due to winter reasons and you're trying to play it cool - "so, what's up, guys?".

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PC Area for Hotel by Abel Mesa. When it's a sunny morning and your working space looks like a tropical place. For at least few hours.

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Classic house design by saeed joshan. You know the better half of the year has kicked in when the sun is out and you're back to designing your dream house [in your head].

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Chibi by ahmad merheb. When you experience the overwhelming "yes, I can" state of mind and take on all the tasks that come your way.

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Wine-growing hills by signSTUDIOS. When you refuse to abide the social norms and have wine for breakfast on Sunday, because the weather is so damn perfect.

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Square by Krivulya Andrew. It's the third calendar day of spring and you're already planning your summer holiday.

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Self portrait by Victor Hugo. When you do your regular commute, but it's somehow different, cause you know the sun will be shining when you surface from the underground, and you're just thinking if you should add some new, upbeat songs to the playlist... The dilemma.

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Super girl by jungwon Park. When you get a new haircut. And that's all it takes to make you feel invincible.

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Dinner Dream by a_vray. That moment every year before the beach season when you tell yourself it is the last unhealthy meal before you go on a diet...

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Twisted species by baktopur. When it's so sunny outside you can finally wear shorts, but your skin is so pale it's turning blue.

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Souther ground hornbill by Léandre Hounnaké. When you steal a quick look at the mirror and smile to yourself thinking "I'm so fabulous today".

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Franky by Michael Milano. Taking off your shirt for the first time in the warm season.

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BBC - What If? by Alex Martins. When you get up to find the sun rolling in the sky and try to think of an excuse to skip work...

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Winnery Shop by Krivulya Andrew. When you finally work up the courage to ask your crush out and she says yes. Celebrating the first victory is a must.

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Crazy by ddjimenez. When the spring brings the crazy in you...

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Crabman by Eklettica. When you're feeling overwhelmed by the contradicting fashion trends, so you wear everything that is at least remotely chick.

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Desert Sunset by Michael Betke. When you're taking your daily bus ride, and the sun is shining right into your eyes. And you're kind of enjoying it...

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Paper Fiszh by DanielMikulik. The daily struggle of deciding what to wear...

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The Coconut Bay by Dzejsi_models. When you're at work, dreaming about a day off...

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