German Ghota bomber with low poly crew members.
Cinema4d R10 has materials, textures and lights.
Other formats zip files have textures enclosed.
Update Dec 20, 2011: Updated all formats and added .fbx and .dae formats. Try .fbx format in importing in 3dsmax and maya.
Polygons 29746
Vertices 28410
If you like the model please rate it.
Crew enclosed. The pilot is not rigged -it hasn't bones-.
The Gotha G.IV series was a heavy bomber used by the Luftstreitkräfte Imperial German Air Service during World War I.
Experience with the earlier G.III showed that the rear gunner could not efficiently operate both the dorsal and ventral positions. Hans Burkhard's ultimate solution was the “Gotha tunnel”, a trough connecting an aperture in the upper decking with a large opening extending across the bottom of the rear fuselage. The Gotha tunnel allowed the top-side gun to fire through the fuselage at targets below and behind the bomber. A separate ventral 7.92 mm .312 in machine gun could still be mounted, and there was even a provision for a fourth machine gun on a post between the pilot's and bombardier's cockpits, although this was rarely carried due to the weight penalty.
The G.IV introduced other changes. The fuselage was fully skinned in plywood, eliminating the partial fabric covering of the G.III. Although it was not the reason for this modification, it was noted at the time that the plywood skinning enabled the fuselage to float for some time in the event of a water landing.